Death of Crane Driver Shows Why Projects Like Discovery Core Aren’t Smart

Earlier this year, the Summit County Council refused to grant special exceptions to the Discovery Core Project, a housing development behind Weilenmann School. The project required special exceptions because its roads were too steep and setbacks weren’t big enough. Things about it just weren’t safe. The intelligence of this decision was highlighted by a tragic accident …

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So we read that PCMR has agreed to pay their $17.5 million bond? Let’s hope they don’t forget to drop the check off by Friday afternoon.

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Can the Park City School District Be Saved From Itself (and Us)?

“We have met the enemy and he is us.”  –-Walt Kelly On Thursday night the Park City School Board voted to increase taxes in order to cover a shortfall and raise $3+ million per year. The reasons communicated by various board members include the need for more teachers due to increased enrollment, enrollment by out of …

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Kimball Arts Center, Don’t Go Away Mad, Just Go Away

Like a scorned lover, the Kimball Arts Center says it’s leaving town.  No longer can it deal with such a judgmental lover like Park City.  “What? I can’t build a gigantic 5 story Lincoln Log  building off Main St?  OK, I’ll do something different.  I have the finest architects from Honningsvåg working on it.  There is …

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Can We Please End the War on Dogs?

Did you know every 3 minutes someone is viciously attacked by a dog in Park City… or so you might think if you read editorials in the Park Record and visit Park City’s Suggestion website, “Let’s Talk Park City”. For instance, there is this gem on, “Tired of people who think it’s o Kay to …

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