Entries Published On October, 2014
School Board Postpones Decision on Professional Studies Building Indefinitely Without Any Discussion?
On Tuesday the Park City School Board was supposed to vote to re-affirm their commitment to the $5.7 million Professional Studies building that would hold PC CAPS, among other things. In a surprise move (at least to us) School Board Superintendent Ember Conley recommended (via reading a letter she had written) postponing a decision on …
Yes. You’re Kid Finally Got a D in Something. Where Do You Go to Make Yourself Feel Better About Sage?
During Tuesday’s Park City School Board Meeting, there was a presentation on Sage. Sage is a new standardized student test required by the State of Utah. We’ve heard over the past few months how bad the results are going to be. Results will likely be released next week and at that time we will know …
School Board Could Educate Other Government Bodies With The Speed and Quality of Information They Provide
If you listen to representatives from our county and city, they talk about diversifying our community away from being a purely a tourist destination. They often talk about wanting to bring high tech companies to the Basin. They talk about all the things we have to offer these technology companies. It sounds so good. However, it’s …
We still feel the class size issue has not been addressed and will continue to speak out on behalf of teachers for a school district that has enough money to heavily invest in programs outside the classroom. For example, I recently received a report from Ecker Hill that CTE classes average 35-38 in 3 sections, a Spanish class of 43…and other random core classes at 30 or more.
-PCEA Spokesperson during 10/21/2014 school board meeting
Definition: re-iter-vote (v.)
Definition: re-iter-vote (v.)
To vote again on something you’ve already voted for, and passed, with the stated intention of trying make sure other people know that everyone who voted for it was really, really, really behind it… but in reality just trying to convince yourself.
Example: The Park City School Board will re-iter-vote on the PC CAPS building.
Get Ready for a Treasure Mountain School Bond Next Year
In the debate over the new Professional Studies building, that the Park City School District is going to on Tuesday, people are asking why they aren’t renovating Treasure Mountain Junior High School instead of constructing a new PC CAPS building. During Tuesday’s School Board Meeting they included an estimate of the costs to renovate Treasure Mountain in …
Is Enrollment Way Up or Only a Little Bit? Depends on What They Are Selling…
We listened to School Superintendent Dr Ember Conley’s interview on KPCW and she was being questioned about the $5.7 million professional studies building they are going to vote for again tomorrow. It’s funny, though… during that interview Dr Conley repeated the idea that our school district has experienced so much growth, and therefore, facilities like …
The Ice Arena Portion of the Basin Rec Bond May Be Reason Enough to Vote Down the Entire Thing
Note: We are writing a series of articles on the Basin Rec Bond. We feel that that the “Pro-Bond” side is getting a lot of press and wanted to provide alternate points of view. As part of Basin Rec’s $25 million bond, they will be using $2.5 million for construction of a second sheet of …
Crews working Saturday on Film Studio Construction
A quick not eon the Film Studio. We saw crews working on the Film Studio on Saturday. Dump trucks-galore were headed in and out with a front-end loader working behind the facility. We’re not sure exactly what is happening but it does seem to confirm a commitment from Sahara Construction to continue to work.
How Basin Rec’s Bond Could Lead To Requiring More Growth
Note: We are writing a series of articles on the Basin Rec Bond. We feel that that the “Pro-Bond” side is getting a lot of press and wanted to provide alternate points of view. In November, Snyderville Basin residents will vote on a $25 million bond for Basin Rec. If passed, this bond will pay for …
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