Entries Published On October, 2014
Is Furburbia in a State of Turmoil?
We’ve heard rumblings around the community that with the the departure of Cathy Clark, things aren’t pretty in the Friends of Animals world. If you check out the Park Record discussion on the topic you may agree… Park Record: Turnover at Furburbia
Should further detail be provided about school class sizes?
We received a submission from a citizen: We agree that having detailed information is important in order to make good decisions. Therefore we support the effort to obtain class sizes and ratios related to dual immersion. We would recommend that this citizen contact the School Superintendent, Ember Conley, at . If you don’t get the run-around she’ll …
During yesterday’s school board discussion regarding dual immersion, it was stated that Europe’s standard is that students learn two foreign languages. Is that true?
“The standard now for Europe is that kids know 3 languages, 2 plus their own.” -Update on the status of dual immersion 10/7/2014 Park City School Board Meeting Dual immersion seems to be a hot topic with many people concerned about it for different reasons. Some are worried because their kids can’t get in. Some are …
Current Class Sizes and Enrollment Growth of Our Elementary Schools
The School Board has published updated stats about elementary school class sizes and enrollment numbers as Park City Schools. Some take-aways include: All of our elementary schools average 23 students per class, with the exception of McPolin at 21 District-wide 4th grade had the largest student/teacher ratio at 25 The lowest was 17 students per teacher in …
Summit County Property Tax Adjustments Equal $47,000 in Reduce Revenue So Far in 2014
This morning Summit County Council member Dave Ure was visiting with KPCW’s Leslie Thatcher about his candidacy for reelection. Ms Thatcher asked Mr Ure about previous County budget problems and whether those problems were no longer a concern. Mr Ure replied that he hoped so because reporting was so much better. That made us wonder …
Interlocal agreement between Summit County and Park City shows forethought
During Wednesday’s Summit County Council meeting, the Council will likely approve an agreement between Summit County and Park City to work together to help manage Vail. County Manager Bob Jasper mentioned that items like a lift between PCMR and Canyons would be covered under this, as well as sales tax issues. According to the agreement, it also …
Comments can now be made on stories
The Park Rag is about to do the stupidest thing in its history, and we’ve done plenty of dumb things. We’ve had requests from a few people across the community to be able to comment on stories. We’ve resisted this for a long time because, well, comments rarely add value. At best no one comments and at …
Falsifying Time Logs vs Insubordination. How Do You Pick a Sheriff?
It appears there is no Andy Griffith in the race for Summit County Sheriff — there’s not even a Barney Fife. It’s more of a race between Roscoe P Coltrane versus Dirty Harry. Frankly it’s not the choice most of us would wish for. The Park Record has reported allegations of candidate Justin Martinez falsifying …
We’ll marry you if we have to…
The Utah County Clerk basically says we may not like it… but we’ll marry you if we have to…in response to the Supreme Court effectively legalizing same-sex marriage in Utah. At least that’s how we interpret the document below… Here's the statement from #utahcounty clerk on #SCOTUS denial to review #amendment3 @heraldextra pic.twitter.com/098L2NW3lK — amy …
Guest Editorial: Should we be thinking differently about how we plan for the future?
The Park Rag believes in Park City. We believe people throughout our community have great ideas that may not have been heard. With that in mind, here’s a guest editorial by Doug Engfer we hope you will consider… Well, it seems as if there is a whole lot of planning going on, what with Park …
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