Entries Published On February, 2015
What Does a $22 Million Investment in Mountain Accord Buy? Control.
Let’s say you and your friends decided to start a business. You have come up with the greatest idea EVER on a new dog toy, but it’s going to take a huge investment to build your production facility in Park City. You are going to need $27 million dollars to build the factory, create marketing, pay employees, …
Where Should We Start With our Mountain Accord Analysis?
Where do we start with the Mountain Accord? What better place to start than with a quote from one of Robert Redford’s best films, All the President’s Men: And that is precisely where we will start. The latest budget we could find lays out that Mountain Accord will receive over $27 million by 2017 from it’s …
What’s Does the Mountain Accord Truly Mean?
You may have heard of the The Mountain Accord, but what is it? That’s a good question. We wish we had a good answer. So let’s try to figure it out. The Mountain Accord Website describes it as: So, the goal appears to be preserving natural resources, providing recreation, establishing transportation systems, and contributing to the …
The Couple from Michigan Who Will Probably Never Ride Park City Buses Again
We decided we should spend some time riding Park City Buses, if we were going to understand what’s working and what’s not with our transit system. We headed to the bus stop in Kimball Junction by Silver Mountain to await our 2:53 PM pickup (the bus was a bit late). A nice couple from Michigan …
Which has less pollution … bus or car? You may be surprised.
Yesterday we linked to a study that suggested that light rail pollutes our environment less than buses. However, what we read today is a little more interesting. The Reason Foundation has published an article about greenhouse gas emissions and whether buses are superior to cars. Like us initially, you probably believe buses are far superior. …
Are you willing to send your children to war?
At the Park Rag, we rarely touch state issues, let alone national or global issues. Yet, this morning we saw an NBC/Maris poll that stated two-thirds of Americans think we should send troops to defeat ISIS (the Islamic group in Syria and Iraq). President Obama has thus requested Congress to formally approve military intervention against …
Should We Try to Limit House Sizes Around Park City
Recently there has been quite the uproar over transportation and now there is an attempt to “solve the problem” of people driving in their cars. Should we make parking so expensive that no one will want to drive? Should we limit the cars that can come into Park City? Should we get rid of parking and …
Jeremy Ranch Mountain Lion
If you live around Jeremy Ranch, we are getting reports from residents that a mountain lion seems to be hanging around the hill across the LDS church. So, if you have dogs or small children you may want to take that into account.
Bus Versus Light Rail… Which Creates More Polution?
This morning on KPCW, Summit County Council member Claudia McMullin spoke about the Health Department wanting wood fireplaces banned in new construction as well as her preference for light rail (over buses) at a high level. This got us wondering about the pollution impacts of buses versus light rail. Fortunately for us, Maryland’s Action Committee …
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