Entries Published On March, 2015
We’ve Figured out What it Will Take To Get Us to Ride the Bus
Bus. Bus. Bus. Everywhere you turn, you hear the word “bus” when people talk about solutions to our transportation problems. Unlike 80% of the people around Park City, we have actually taken the bus. Ok, that was just once and for a story. So, what would it take for us to become regular riders? We’ve figured it …
Summit County… Please Please Please Please Please Do Not Waste Our Money on the RideAmigos Transportation App
Summit County has been looking at a number of ways to help the transportation issue around Park City. Some initiatives seem more logical than others. However, we couldn’t be more opposed to the county spending $7,000 per month on the RideAmigos.com platform (plus 20 hours from a county employee every week). What does Ride Amigos …
They Say We Need To Compromise on the Mountain Accord Tunnel. We Think We’ve Found the Compromise.
A very nice person sent through an uplifting story of human triumph, community, and determination. As one person put it, it is awe inspiring. So, if you haven’t seen this before, please take one minute to go read: They told him it was impossible. It took him a hammer, a chisel, and 22 years to prove …
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