Entries Published On May, 2015
The Utter Dominance of the Car in Commuting and How It Impacts Park City
Vox has an interesting article talking about the single-occupant car. It opens, “In small pockets of large cities around America, a growing number of people have been walking, biking, or taking public transit to work in recent years. A disproportionate focus on these cities has led advocates and journalists to celebrate the resurgence of car-free forms of …
PSA: Another WordPress Vulnerability
Last week I wrote about a couple vulnerabilities impacting computers around Park City. It looks like there is another big one this week. If your company or organization uses WordPress for your website, your technical people need to do a couple of things to stop your site from being taken over by bad guys (or …
Salt Lake Running Company Takes Over Park City Trail Series
KSL is reporting that Salt Lake Running Company has acquired the Park City Trail Series which utilizes the trails around round valley for 4 races throughout the summer. There aren’t much details as of now about any changes. The series is capped at 500 runners and registration starts May 10th.
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