Entries Published On January, 2016
What Will Our Winters Look Like in 2100
One of the things I find interesting is that people will often quote forecasted growth numbers in order to tell us how overcrowded Park City will be by 2060. At the same time they don’t seem to account for forecasted temperature changes. While no one knows for sure what will happen with either, if we are going …
“Park City to SLC Connect” Bus Ridership Up 45% in Four Years
The Salt Lake Tribune has a glowing article about the Salt Lake to Park City Connect Bus service. When the service began four years ago, it had ridership of 33,000 people per year. That has grown to over 45,000 people in 2015. This growth is attributed to lowering fares by a $1 ($4.50 now versus $5.50 originally) …
Summit County Has Recovered Economically from the Great Recession Better Than Most Counties
The National Association of Counties has published their County Economies 2015 Opportunities and Challenges overview. The report looks at unemployment rates, GDP Expansion, wages, and productivity for each of the 3,069 counties in the United States. Specifically it looks at whether jobs, unemployment, GDP, and Home prices have recovered since the great recession. Only 214 counties …
The Mountain Accord Still Makes Me Shake My Head Sometimes
I’ve heard through the grapevine that the Mountain Accord process appears to be headed in the right direction. I’m still filing that in the “I’ll believe it when I see it” folder. That said, sometimes you have to trust people in the know that say things are getting better with the organization. Then you get an …
Planning on Skiing Alta or Snowbird Tomorrow (1/13)? Ride the Bus for Free.
UTA is offering free bus service up Little Cottonwood Canyon on Wednesday 1/13. In addition, for every person riding the bus or carpool (4 people per car), Mountain Accord will donate $1 to an organization called Protect Our Winters (POW). If you are headed up you may want to give the bus a try and …
PSA: Give Yourself Plenty of Time in Evanston
If you are one of the hundreds thousands of Utahns headed up to Wyoming to pick some numbers in the hopes of becoming Park City’s first ninth billionaire, give yourself some extra time (or go really early). It is like the Sundance Film Festival hit our poor friends to the north. Reports are there are lines 50-100 …
East Creek Ranch Is Better Than Thought
We’ve poked a little fun at East Creek Ranch over the years… from one of their houses in an ad looking like a polygamist compound to questioning the location. This weekend, I had an opportunity to drive around their site that now sports 10-20 homes (in the open area just west of Bells’ gas station). While I’m …
Anyone Want to Bet What the Kimball Junction Transit Center will Ultimately Cost?
Sometimes when I’m following news events around Park City, it reminds me of the book 1984. A key theme is that “We have always been at war with Eastasia” until they are no longer at war with Eastasia and then the statement becomes, “We have always been at war with Eurasia.” No one stops to …
Oh the Carnage!
Only one day of off-leash dogs being legal in Round Valley and the death and destruction has already started. We found this skull on the trail. My 3 year old and I debated whether it was dinosaur or human…
Are People Moving In Or Out of Utah?
One of the trends I try to follow is whether people are moving to Utah or whether they are leaving. This is important because it helps to tell us about what kind of growth we’ll see in Summit County. If more people are migrating to Utah, this puts more pressure on us here around Park City, because it …
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