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Why I support the Stop Dakota Pacific referendum

If you don’t know what Dakota Pacific is, you will in about two years. It is going to remake the entry corridor to Park City fundamentally.

Dakota Pacific Real Estate is a Salt Lake City-based development firm that acquired the Kimball Junction Tech Center with the goal of transforming it from a low-density office park into a mixed-use residential and commercial hub. The company’s plan, approved by Summit County in December 2024, includes 725 housing units—46% designated as affordable—alongside retail, a new transit center, and public amenities. However, the project has been highly controversial, facing strong community opposition over traffic and growth concerns, as well as intervention from the Utah State Legislature, which has repeatedly pushed for the development. 

Citizens have sponsored a referendum to allow residents to vote this November on the decision made by the County Council. If enough signatures are gathered by Monday, we the people get to decide whether we like the agreement between Summit County and Dakota Pacific. That, however, is not a panacea. Dakota Pacific could decide to incorporate the area as a town and then they could likely do almost whatever they want there. This would nullify gains many Summit County counselors believe have been achieved in affordable housing and Highway 224 traffic-improvement promises. It would also mean that we would likely need to incorporate cities all around the area to stop Dakota Pacific from spreading. Further, it also likely means the Park City School District would build another elementary school (probably at Bear Hollow). Yes, enrollment is dropping at PCSD, but not enough to absorb significant development near Kimball Junction.

It’s a mess.

So why do I support the referendum? As I have watched this unfold over 5+ years, including the Legislatures brazen influence, I wonder if I am watching an episode of the Sopranos or Star Wars Empire Strikes Back where Lando says Darth Vader is altering the deal and Vader says “Pray I don’t alter it any further.”

The truth is no one knows how this will turn out — either way. If this deal goes through, who is to say that Dakota Pacific won’t use the Legislature to alter the deal again. They are smart — if nothing else. If the referendum is on the ballot and the people strike the development down, maybe they incoporate. Mabe they incoporate either way.

We the people, are left in a no-win solution.

So, why do I support the referendum? You don’t win against the mafia. You don’t win against the Legislature. We’ve already lost, no matter what happens. However, I can DO WHAT IS RIGHT and give the people a choice in directing our future. Will that be better or worse in the long run? I don’t know. But, I choose to do the right thing.

I hope you will too.


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