The Dakota Pacific Nuclear Option

There is a way to win against Dakota Pacific. We just probably don’t have the chutzpah to make it happen. I realized this when I was at my child’s dentist in Kimball Junction. Dakota Pacific owned the building. Dakota Pacific doesn’t care about you, and they sure as hell don’t care about me. However, they …

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Why I support the Stop Dakota Pacific referendum

If you don’t know what Dakota Pacific is, you will in about two years. It is going to remake the entry corridor to Park City fundamentally. Dakota Pacific Real Estate is a Salt Lake City-based development firm that acquired the Kimball Junction Tech Center with the goal of transforming it from a low-density office park …

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How to find the petition and contact the school board

If you would like to review the petition Karl Persson and I launched that asks for the school board to not vote on the superintendent’s contract until the new board assumes office in January, it can be found here: View Petition If you would like to email the school board to voice your opinion on …

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