This probably wasn’t what they wanted to read…

This article on seasonal workers, referencing Scott Loomis, executive director of the Mountainlands Community Housing Trust, probably wasn’t what local officials, who are looking for solutions to our transportation problems, were hoping to read: Workers with cars — often the ones who have them are coming from elsewhere in the United States — can also stay in …

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Transportation Whiteboards and Spreadsheet of Vote Count

Summit County and Park City held a transportation meeting on Tuesday where the public offered input on various concepts to help reduce transportation issues. The public was able to vote on which issues they agreed with (green dots) or disagreed with (red dots). If anyone is interested in what the original whiteboards look like and/or …

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School District Discussion on Budget and Future

We have been as hard on the Park City School District related to financial matters. They are in a very complex spot that is going to require some out of the box thinking. However, the budget discussion below shows promise. They discuss everything from the impact of Vail, to second homes, to student numbers. If …

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Summit County Transportation Meeting – Live Blog

We live-blogged the Summit County Transportation Planning meeting. This meeting was designed to provide an overview of transportation challenges in the area and ask the public for input. Please forgive spelling and grammar errors; the meeting moved pretty fast. Read more for the play-by-play.

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