Entries Written By Parkrag
If you build it, they will come… another way for the Park City School District to go broke
During today’s Local News Hour with Leslie Thatcher on KPCW, School Board President Moe Hickey brought up the need for an additional elementary school. If at some point you look at our growth patterns right now and say Trailside is at capacity, Parleys is at capacity, Jeremy is getting close to capacity. Right now we …
More Info On Skiing Industry Since 2010
Yesterday we took a look at visitor nights in Park City. It showed that since 2010, visitor nights were down in December, February, March, and April. Today, we look at skier days in Park City since 2010. Again, skier days are down about 4.5% since 2010. We are not exactly sure how this jibes with …
Is Park City’s Ski Industry Slowing Down?
We know what you are thinking. Vail is coming into Park City and that means ski growth is going through the roof. They don’t make stupid investments! Remember, though, Vail is really a development company that runs some mountains. So, when we looked at this chart of Park City visitor nights by month (2010-present), it …
Will Woodward Park City Find a Home at the Gorgoza Sledding Park?
We heard interesting speculation over the weekend. Someone asked what POWDR Corp was planning on doing with the Gorgoza sledding hill since it wasn’t part of the PCMR sale to Vail. Another person mentioned “wouldn’t that make a good home for Woodward Park City?” Woodward Park City is the facility they were going to put at the base …
We’ve Started Keeping a Running Total of Film Studio Deadlines and Promises
We went to check out the Park City Film Studio at Quinn’s Junction this weekend to see the asphalt that was supposed to be laid last week. While we did see a semi picking up a trailer, every other piece of equipment looks like it hasn’t run in a couple of weeks. Needless to say, …
More info on Park City Brewing Near Jeremy Ranch
We’ve heard some more info about Park City Brewing and we are getting excited. A few weeks ago we read a building notice that included information about a brewery in the Summit Center on Rasmussen (near the Burt Brothers). We weren’t sure whether it was a sales/manufacturing facility or whether they would have a restaurant …
Meeting Regarding Jeremy Ranch Commercial Expansion Delayed
Many Jeremy Ranch residents are up in arms over a proposed expansion of commercial property across from the Jeremy Store. There was supposed to be a hearing on it this Wednesday; however that meeting is now scheduled for October 22nd.
Park City Council Member Dick Peek Tells Us the Public Opinion Doesn’t Matter — And He is Correct
During today’s Local News Hour on KPCW, City Council Member Dick Peek was discussing the Kimball Arts Center with Leslie Thatcher. He said, “We develop codes and ordinances and expect everyone to abide by them. If the public comes out and says they are against something. We don’t weigh that as a general item. We apply the code.”
As harsh as that seems, he is right. What the public says doesn’t matter. It’s the “law” that matters.
Is the Film Studio Hiring of ex-Mayor Dana Williams Anything More Than a Political Stunt?
In Wednesday’s Park Record, Jay Hamburger reported that former Park City Mayor Dana Williams may be hired by Park City Film Studios as a consultant. We can think of three reasons for hiring Williams.
Cathy Clark Has Left Friends of Animals
We heard some unfortunate news today. It appears within the last couple of days Cathy Clark has resigned from Friends of Animal Utah. Cathy had been Director of Operations for a number of years.
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