A Brewery Across From Burt Brothers?

Not much info, but we saw a building permit submitted for an establishment called “Park City Brewing” at 2720 Rasmussen. That would be in the old Enterprise Rental location that is across from Burt Brothers, near Jeremy Ranch.  There are no details whether this would serve customers directly or have food. If it really happens, …

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You Should Have Bought on Wednesday

We are hearing rumors that The Colony raised their real estate prices today.  Word from a few local real estate agents is that their phones are ringing off the hook with people wanting to buy near PCMR and Canyons. Cue the music…happy days are here again!

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PC CAPS is Teaching our Children the Wrong Lesson

During April 2012 there was a heated debate over whether to start the PC CAPS program, an initiative by the Park City School system to provide real-world experience to high school students through hands on projects. During 2012 there was also a budget crisis within the school system. They needed to slash $4.7 million from …

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Death of Crane Driver Shows Why Projects Like Discovery Core Aren’t Smart

Earlier this year, the Summit County Council refused to grant special exceptions to the Discovery Core Project, a housing development behind Weilenmann School. The project required special exceptions because its roads were too steep and setbacks weren’t big enough. Things about it just weren’t safe. The intelligence of this decision was highlighted by a tragic accident …

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