Entries Written By Parkrag
Could Park City shut down its 4th of July Parade if it wanted to?
I’ve been reading about the various Utah counties that are trying to remain closed due to the Coronavirus. However, it seems the Governor’s Office won’t always allow them. It seems funny to me. Wouldn’t local officials know best for their area, especially when they are trying to be cautious? However, I guess I shouldn’t be …
Basin Rec makes Run-A-Muck safer
Last week we wrote that when Basin Rec opened up Run-A-Muck, that they made it too dangerous. They had an entry to the dog park on the east side of the road and the exit on the west side of the road. All visitors had to cross the busy road to UOP each time they …
Run-A-Muck’s reopening has a dangerous component
Yesterday, Basin Rec reopened Run-A-Muck Dog Park. We were excited to get back. Yet after experiencing it, I’m not sure the risk-reward is worth it. For those who haven’t visited Run-A-Muck, it is a fenced dog-park that sits below the Utah Olympic Park (UOP). It covers many acres and legally permits dogs to run off-leash. …
The Governor better be right or Park City is going to implode again like it’s the 1950’s
The longer you stick around Park City, the more you realize that we are really ruled by two things, the Utah legislature and the Governor. With all due respect to our city and county councils, most material decisions come back to whether our “benevolent” rulers in Salt Lake City will squash us like a bug. …
Think about keeping Park City slow
It’s been a weird couple of months. But I have to ask the question… Do you want to get back to what Park City was before? Traffic. People. Crowds. Anger. I know that many people made a business off of what it was. However, the question I have is whether we collectively want to go …
Have we already forgotten what we are fighting for?
And like a light-switch, it turned back on. It’s as if people had forgotten why they spent the last six weeks in quarantine. It’s crazy out there today. Parking lots crowded. No social distancing. Trailheads packed. No social distancing. Herds of teenagers walking together three inches apart. No social distancing. Soccer practices going on. I’d …
Thank God Summit County Is Opening Up from Covid!
Ding-dong the Witch is dead.Which old Witch?The Covid WitchLet’s open up and ring the bells outLet them know the Covid witch is dead! How exciting. First, the Governor told me everything was OK and I didn’t need to worry about that pesky corona virus, and now the Summit County Council has voted unanimously to tell …
Good job Park Record. This is what we need.
I was perusing Park Record’s online version. They are now providing a daily update about Covid-19 cases. In the comments, someone needed clarification about hospitalization numbers. The Editor of the Park Record, Bubba Brown, responded and provided clarity. It’s what the Park Record should be doing. Having hung around city and county politics for a …
Sadness or Euphoria in Park City?
One of Billy Joel’s best albums is Turnstiles. On that album, there is a track called Summer Highland Falls. One of these days I will analyze it line by line in relation to PC. However, trust me. It speaks to Park City in these times. They say that these are not the best of timesBut …
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