It’s time for the Park Record to evolve

I was reading Saturday’s Park Record Editorial that details the Coronavirus’ impact on Park City’s newspaper. Advertising revenue has dwindled, two reporters have been furloughed, and employees have taken a 20% pay cut. They are asking for donations to help make it through. It’s tough times for the newspaper. I feel bad for the people …

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Visualizing the coronavirus impact on Park City buses

I’m a fan of Park City’s bus system. When I am going skiing or coming downtown, I tend to take mass-transit. While sometimes the bus is full (4th of July, Miner’s Day, early ski mornings), often-times I am riding with few others. Given the recent pandemic, I wondered what the impact was on Park City …

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Park City’s liquor stores are now so civilized

There are many things about Covid-19 that aren’t so pleasant — sickness, death, and quarantine come to mind. However, one positive that may outweigh them all is the experience you’ll now get when buying a bottle of wine at a Utah State liquor store. My experience in Kimball Junction tells me that: You’ll be greeted …

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