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Buck up Park City. It’s going to be OK.

It’s strange times in Park City. There is anger in the air. There is depression in the air. All apparently because there is no snow in the air.

Around town you hear it from the locals. If it’s not a malaise brought about by lack of snow, it’s a fear that the snow is going to come in May and wreck mountain biking as well.

Some people just seem sad. Others are flipping out. Case in point are the two people (one of them being a passenger) I saw flip off bus drivers yesterday morning. What’s next? Flipping the bird to teachers? Firemen?

With that in mind, we thought we’d look for the silver lining in the rain weather we are experiencing now. So here are The Park Rag’s Top 10 reasons to be happy about the weather.

  1. Just think of all the little animals out there who are surviving and thriving this winter because they aren’t freezing their asses off. Somewhere there is a cute little deer who is alive because of this weather… And maybe somewhere there is a cute little mountain lion who will grow up to eat that cute little deer.
  2. Think of all the accidents that haven’t happened due to the snow. Somewhere, somebody’s car is dent free because of this weather.
  3. There’s plenty of room on the buses. We haven’t had to stand in a bus all season.
  4. We assume the reason everyone doesn’t pick up their poop at run-a-muck is due to the snow. Now, without snow, it should be SO poop-free that we should be be able to eat off the trail!
  5. The school district said that we needed a Fieldhouse because our Spring sports can’t practice outside until April. Looks like that Field house isn’t quite so necessary after all. The weather just saved us $20 million. Thank you weather.
  6. You haven’t had to pay someone to snow plow your driveway this season. Now you’ll be able to afford buying bottled water to water your grass this summer.
  7. If you didn’t buy an Epic Pass, looks like your procrastination cheapness disdain-for-crowds was a good choice and will save you over $600 this year!
  8. There won’t be crowds of visitors in Park City next Christmas. Who’s crazy enough to make the same mistake twice in a row?
  9. If you have one of those dogs that typically needs a coat in January, then your dog has had a good year (so far).
  10. February and March are the biggest snow months. So, in four weeks we may be wishing for Spring.

That’s all we got.

The snow may suck, but we still have Park City. Let’s be kind to each other.


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