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What Can Be Built Where

For every plot of land In Summit County, zoning defines what can be built there. Each zone then has acceptable uses. So, for instance, the area by Home Depot is zoned Community Commercial. Then, using the table below, you can determine what is available in the “CC” zone. An A mean acceptable. An L means its OK with a Limited Use Permit. A C means its OK if they can get a Conditional Use Permit.

Some of the various zones are Rural Residential, Hillside Stewardship, Mountain Remote, Community Commercial, Service Commercial, and Neighborhood Commercial. By looking the chart below (provided by the county) you can see (as of the date this was written) what is approved where.

You can then use this map to see how any piece of land is zoned. These are some pretty powerful tools to help understand what can be built where.


Use RR HS MR CC SC NC Additional Reference
Accessory buildings under 2,000 square feet A A A A A A
Accessory buildings between 2,000 square feet and 10,000 square feet L L L * * *
Accessory buildings over 10,000 square feet C C C C C C
Adult/sex oriented facilities and businesses * * * C * * Subsection 10-3-5J of this title
Agricultural sales and service * * * L L *
Agriculture A A A A A A
Auto impoundment yard and towing services * * * * L *
Auto rental * * * L * *
Auto repair, service and detailing * * * L L *
Auto wrecking yard * * * * * *
Automotive sales * * * C * *
Banks and financial services * * * L * C
Bars, taverns, clubs * * * L C C
Bed and breakfast inn C C C * * *
Building and maintenance services * * * L L *
Camp * C C * * *
Campground * C C C * *
Car wash, commercial * * * L * *
Cemetery C C C C * C
Childcare center with 9 _ 16 children C C C * * C Section 10-8-7 of this title
Childcare center with more than 16 children C * * L * C Section 10-8-7 of this title
Childcare, family, fewer than 9 children L L L * * C Section 10-8-7 of this title
Childcare, in home A A A * * A Section 10-8-4 of this title
Churches, schools, institutional uses C * * C * C
Commercial kennels C C C L L C
Construction equipment rental * * * L C *
Construction equipment storage * * * C L *
Construction management office * * * L L *
Construction sales, wholesale * * * L L *
Construction services, contract * * * L L *
Cultural activity C * * L * C
Dwelling unit, accessory A A A A A A Section 10-8-5 of this title
Dwelling unit, agricultural employee L L L * * L Section 10-8-5 of this title
Dwelling unit in the ridgeline overlay zone L L L L L L Section 10-2-13 of this chapter
Dwelling unit, multi-family C * * C * C
Dwelling unit, single-family attached A L L C * C
Dwelling unit, single-family detached on a lot of record outside of a platted or recorded subdivision L L L * * L
Dwelling unit, single-family detached on a lot of record within a platted or recorded subdivision A A L * * A
Dwelling unit, two-family or duplex C C * C * C
Funeral services * * * L * *
Gas and fuel, storage and sales * * * C L *
Gasoline service station with convenience store * * * L * C Section 10-8-8 of this title
Golf courses C C * C * *
Group home C * * L * C
Healthcare facilities * * * L * C
Historic structures, preservation of, including related accessory and supporting uses L L L L L L Section 10-8-11 of this title
Home based businesses, class 1 A A A A * * Section 10-8-4 of this title
Home based businesses, class 2 L L * * * * Section 10-8-4 of this title
Horse boarding, commercial C C C C * C
Horse boarding, private L L L L * L
Horse stables and riding academy, commercial C C C C * C
Hospitals * * * C * *
Hotel, motel or inn with fewer than 16 rooms * * C C * C
Hotel, motel or inn with 16 or more rooms * * * C * *
Indoor entertainment such as bowling alleys, skating rinks, movie theater, performing arts center * * * L * *
Laundromat * * * L * C
Logging camp * C C * * *
Manufacturing, custom * * * L L *
Manufacturing, heavy * * * * C *
Manufacturing, light * * * L L *
Medical equipment supply * * * L L *
Mining, resource extraction * C C * * *
Nursery, retail * * * C * *
Nursery, wholesale C C C C C C
Nursing home C * * C * C
Offices, general * * * L L C
Offices, intensive * * * C * *
Offices, medical and dental * * * L * C
Offices, moderate * * * L * *
Open recreation uses, commercial C C C C * C
Open space A A A A A A Section 10-4-4 of this title
Outdoor display of merchandise, off premises * * * * * *
Outdoor display of merchandise, on premises * * * C * *
Park and ride C C C L L L
Parking lot C * * L L C Section 10-4-9 of this title
Parking lot, commercial * * * L L C
Parks C C C A A A
Personal improvement services C * * L * C
Personal services * * * L * C
Pet services and grooming * * * L L C
Property management offices/check in facilities * * * L * *
Public facilities C C C C C C
Recreation and athletic facilities, commercial * * * L * C
Recreation and athletic facilities, private L L L C * L
Recreation, public C C C C * L
Recycling facilities, class I A A A A A A Section 10-4-13 of this title
Recycling facilities, class II C * * L L L Section 10-4-13 of this title
Rehearsal or teaching studio for creative, performing and/or martial arts with no public performances * * * L * L
Repair services, consumer * * * L * C
Residential treatment facility C * * L * C
Resort lifts, new C C C * * C
Resort lifts, replacement L L L * * L
Resort operations L L L * * L
Resort runs, new C C C * * C
Resort structures under 5,000 square feet L L L * * L
Resort structures 5,000 square feet and over C C C * * C
Restaurant, deli or takeout intended to serve a neighborhood * * * L L C
Restaurant, drive-in or drive-up window * * * C * * Section 10-8-9 of this title
Restaurant, full service * * * L * *
Retail sales, associated with service commercial * * * * L *
Retail sales, convenience store * * * L * C
Retail sales, food * * * L * C
Retail sales, general * * * L * C
Retail sales, larger than 40,000, less than 60,000 square feet in size * * * C * *
Retail sales, larger than 60,000 square feet in size * * * * * *
Retail sales, wholesale * * * L L *
Satellite dish antenna 36 inches in diameter or less A A A A A A
Satellite dish antenna, more than 36 inches in diameter L L L L A L
Seasonal plant and agricultural sales T T T T T T
Signs L L L L L L Section 10-8-2 of this title
Ski lifts, private C C C * * C
Ski runs, private C C C * * C
Stockyards * * * * * *
Storage, RV or boat * * * C L *
Storage, self-service * * * L L *
Storage, vehicle * * * C L *
Structure in the ridgeline overlay zone L L L L L L Section 10-2-13 of this chapter
Telecommunication facilities, collocation A A A A A A
Telecommunication facilities other than collocation or stealth C C C L L C
Telecommunication facilities, stealth L L L L L L
Temporary facilities in association with a redevelopment application T T T T T T
Temporary structures T T T T T T
Trailhead parking, designated, within 300 feet of a residential parcel: C C C A A A
Major (more than 10 parking stalls) C C C A A A
Minor (up to 10 parking stalls) L L L A A A
Trails, community wide A A A A A A
Trails, neighborhood L L L L L L Section 10-4-16 of this title
Transportation services * * * L L *
Truck stop * * * C * *
Typesetting and printing facility * * * L L *
Utility facilities, aboveground C C C L L L
Utility facilities, major C C C L L C
Utility facilities, underground L L L L L L
Vehicle and equipment sales or rental * * * L L *
Vehicle control gate C C C * * * Section 10-8-12 of this title
Veterinarian * * * L L C
Warehousing and distribution, general * * * C L *
Warehousing and distribution, limited * * * L L *
Wholesale construction supply * * * L L *



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