Category Archive For "Housing"
Can We Make Developers Actually Build Affordable Housing?
This weekend I wrote an article entitled What I Don’t Get About Affordable Housing. I wrote that locations like Kamas and Oakley are already “affordable” without us jumping through hoops to try and figure out how we put the horse back in the barn. A community member responded saying that “outsourcing our affordable housing only exacerbates the problem” …
What I Don’t Get About Affordable Housing
I was reading Bubba Brown’s article in today’s Park Record about Economic Growth in Summit County. It brought up the need for affordable housing for local workers. Yet this article seemed different because it is in the context of Summit County and not Park City. For so long I have heard people lament that their children …
Do Our Local Governments Approach Housing With too Broad of a Brush?
This morning I read a Wall Street Journal Article entitled, New Housing Crisis Looms as Fewer Renters Can Afford to Own. The author’s main point is that “Last decade’s housing crisis has given way to a new one in which many families lack the incomes or savings needed to buy homes, creating a surge of renters and a …
8% of Summit County Mortgages Under Water
A recent report by Zillow indicates 8% of Summit County homes with mortgages are financially under water. Under water means that the home is valued at less than the mortgage amount. This is low compared to the national average of 16.7%. So, from that perspective Summit County is looking good. That said, if we are …
Thoughts on East Creek Ranch
East Creek Ranch is the new home development on the north side of I-80 near the Highway 40 exit. You could think of it as “Silver Creek Valley.” We spent some time researching it and walking around the area this weekend. Here are some random thoughts: Homes range in size from 2600 sq ft to 5000 sq …
2005 Called and Wants Its Real Estate Bubble Back
The wife exclaimed, “we can’t just find a house. We looked at a house that went on the market yesterday and by 3PM it had two offers. It just forces you to move so fast.” Similar stories can be heard around Park City every day, it seems. It’s almost like 2005 called and wants its real-estate …
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