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Live Blog of Today’s Master Planning Committee Meeting

Below is the live blog of today’s Park City School District Master Planning Committee meeting. Please forgive the typos, as these meetings usually move fast.

Click More for the play by play




Great recap. I also attended the meeting.
One small clarification is that the 3rd priority was expanding McPolin, not Ecker.

It was stated repeatedly that they want to hear feedback from community, positive or negative. Really the conversation is just getting started. Next public meeting July 21 @ PCHS.


Thanks for pointing that error out (and for being there). I have updated the info. Thanks again.

Dan Portwood

thanks Josh. Nicely done…there are far too many unknown’s for this entire project to proceed as outlined…how can a reasonable recommendation be made to the School Board? They have tried to do WAY too much with out having completed their “homework”…

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