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The $7 Million in Additional Capital Outlays Requested by School Administrators

The Park City School Board is considering $57 million in capital outlay requests. Previously we listed the $50 million in requests that were each over a million dollars. Here are the remaining $7 million of requests that will be considered:

Location Project Amount Requested School Rationale/Explanation/Comments Person Requesting
District wide Update School Lunch Computer Program $66,000.00 Need to replace school lunch computors and programs Elizabeth Srasser
District wide Radon Gas testing in all Buildings $10,000.00 Testing is needed in all buildings Todd Hansen
District wide Add Wood Chips to Play areas $15,000.00 Need wood chips added for fall protection Colby Pearce
District wide Roof Repair $50,000.00 Needed roof repairs district wide Colby Pearce
District wide Painting $40,000.00 Repair and Paint walls district wide Colby Pearce
District wide Energy Conservation Upgrades $75,000.00 Change over to LED lights Todd Hansen
District wide Recycling upgrades $100,000.00 Add designated recycling areas to all schools Todd Hansen
District wide Safety needs $100,000.00 Door safety barriers, finish hanging blinds and emergeny shut down for HVAC systems. Todd Hansen
District wide Asphalt and Slurry Coat /Restriping $350,000.00 Parking lots are in bad shape Todd Hansen
District wide Tune Boilers in all schools $50,000.00 Tune and clean boiler tubes in all schools Colby Pearce
District wide Yearly Inspections $35,000.00 Yearly Inspections Fire Sprinklers, Boilers, Elevators, Kitchen hoods, Grease traps. Todd Hansen
District wide Add (C.O.) Carbon Monoxide Alarm System to Existing Fire Alarm. $110,000.00 Update fire alarm system to include carbon monoxide to meet state law Todd Hansen
PCHS, TMJH, EHMS Refinish Gym Floors $25,000.00 Done each year Colby Pearce
District wide Add Weathertrak Sprinkler Clocks $200,000.00 Sprinkler clocks that will save water monitoring weather, water line breaks and valve problems. Todd Hansen
District wide Contingency $500,000.00   Todd Hansen
District wide Internet Filter $50,000.00 We need to look into our internet filter and see if it is adequate for our needs. Time to update Joe Stout
District wide Switch Updates $100,000.00 We have several network switches that need to be replaced with faster connections. Joe Stout
District wide Update Firewall $120,000.00 Our inside firewall will be going out of maintenance this year and needs to be replaced Joe Stout
District wide Backup Storage Solution $50,000.00 Our old backup unit is in need of replacement. Joe Stout
District wide Security $30,000.00 Setup one building with a classroom security system to let office and 911 know there is a problem. Joe Stout
District wide Video Storage $15,000.00 Our server that holds the video surveillance along Kearns Blvd. needs to be updated. Joe Stout
District wide Server Updates $30,000.00 We have several servers that need to be updated this year. Joe Stout
PCHS Update Hardware $60,000.00 AutoCAD system needs to be replaced Joe Stout
PCHS Wireless Update $70,000.00 Update the High School Network to the Latest Wireless Standards Joe Stout
PCHS School News Digital Feed $15,000.00 Needs to update the way the school news is captured so other buildings can view it. Joe Stout
PCHS Concrete Bleachers for Baseball and Softball fields. $40,000.00 Currently Baseball and Softball fields do not have any bleachers fans need to bring there own chairs or sit on the wet grass. Jamie Sheetz
PCHS Replace Basement Windows in Home Economics Departments $15,000.00 Basement Windows have been exposed to landscaping sprinklers and have been a leaking problem for several years. Colby Pearce
PCHS Add 4 Pole Lights along sidewalk On North West Side of School. $10,000.00 It is very dark in the mornings and dangerous for the students. Colby Pearce
PCHS Salter for Komatsu Skid Steer tractor $5,000.00 Salter for skid steer will save time Colby Pearce
PCHS Need New Floor Installed in the Freezer $10,000.00 Freezer floor is starting to buckel and is a safety hazard Colby Pearce Elizabeth Strasser
PCHS Exhaust Fans for Science Labs $20,000.00 Need exhaust fan system to rid labs of potentially harmful fumes to students and staff Bob O’Connor
PCHS Dozier Field Perimeter Sidewalk and Fence $100,000.00 Safety concerns with event and crowd management during Dozier Field activities, no barriers to separate participants from fans and bystanders. Jamie Sheetz
PCHS Concert Wind & Percussion Instruments $385,000.00 Current inventory is out of date. Amount is variable. Bret Hughes
PCHS Theme Renovation $25,000.00 HS building quotes are misquoted, poorly punctuated, and attributed to the wrong author. Replace with student artwork, classic artwork or local art. Bob O’Connor
PCHS Marching Band Uniforms $32,000.00 Additional unifirms needed to accommodate growth of the program. Approx $400 per unit. Bret Hughes
PCHS Greenhouse $15,000.00 Addition to small green house to support high-level science and environmental scienve classes and clubs. Bob O’Connor
PCHS New Gym Floor $120,000.00 Gym floor is warped and does not meet DIN 2001 standard increasing the likelyhood of injury to athletic teams and PE students. Jamie Sheetz
PCHS New Flagpole at Dozier Field $10,000.00 Current Flagpole is in poor condition and is not appropriate in size for venue and is not illuminated. Jamie Sheetz
PCHS Dozier Field South End Zone Area $150,000.00 Condition of grass and long jump area make it hazardous for foot traffic and general use. Need to match existing turf. Jamie Sheetz
Eccles Install Snow Guards on Metal Roof $50,000.00 It is a Safety hazard and needs to be done. Colby Pearce
Eccles Robert Juliat Incandesant Follow Spots $30,000.00 Will replace the failing spots which are original to the space Dave Hallock
Eccles HDCP Compliant Projector $65,000.00 Will allow the showing of films which have been encrypted Dave Hallock
TMJHS Level the Floors in Classrooms 8, 35 and 39 $300,000.00 These rooms are not conductive to great teaching we no longer have computer labs and we need flat nonstepped classrooms. Dave McNaughtan
TMJHS Connect the Two Hallways heading South $500,000.00 Reduce congestion allowing students to get to class in a safer more orderly fashion. Dave McNaughtan
TMJHS Lecture Hall Attached to the new Hallway $650,000.00 Need a place for the whole staff to meet and a place where we can put multiple classes at the same time. Dave McNaughtan
EHMS Storage Cabinets for sports Gear $25,000.00 We have no storage for student spot bags and gear.This creates a safety hazard in our common area and halls. Traci Evans
EHMS Replace Counter tops in Media Center and Various Classrooms $40,000.00 The counter tops are original, they are cracked, bowed and breaking. Traci Evans
EHMS Add Windows that Open in Classrooms along the South West Side of the building. $15,000.00 Because the sun constantly shines on these rooms they become exceedingly hot in the spring and fall. There is no circulation. Traci Evans
EHMS Add Lane to Main Driveway Entrance into School $50,000.00 Main driveway needs another lane continuing problems with traffic. Traci Evans
EHMS Finish Landscaping around building $60,000.00 The natual landscaping around building has overgrown and is very hard to maintain. Todd Hansen
EHMS Increase Parking on North East Side of School $100,000.00 Parking is very limited building new lot will add about 80 parking spaces. Todd Hansen
EHMS Salter for Bobcat Skid Steer $5,000.00 Salter for skid steer will save time Colby Pearce
EHMS Replace 2ea. Double Ovens $60,000.00 Ovens are 20 years old and are no longer cost-efficient. Elizabeth Strasser
Aquatic Center Repace All Door Hardware around Pool $25,000.00 Over the years chlorine has rusted all door hardware and needs to be replaced Colby Pearce
Aquatic Center Rennovation and Remodle of Basement Classroom $150,000.00 This room is used for classes, meetings and confernces this room is not safe and dose not meet code. Todd Klarich
TSES Install Carpet over VCT Tile in Hallways $98,000.00 Floors are extremley slippery when wet. Robin Williams
TSES poster Printer $6,000.00 Needed for teacher projects Robin Williams
TSES New Lunchroom Tables $35,000.00 Tables are falling apart and need to be replaced Robin Williams
TSES Need tables and big Rugs for Kindergarten area $8,000.00 Need tables and Rugs for Kindergarten area Robin Williams
TSES Install Water Softener on Hot and Cold Domestic Water. $50,000.00 Water in Park City Is very Hard and is extermely hard on pipes and all kind of kitchen equipment. Todd Hansen
TSES Install WaterHog Carpet in all Entryways $10,000.00 This will prevent slip and fall accidents Colby Pearce
JRES Projector Updates $22,500.00   Joe Stout
JRES Need Storage Room built for Bobcat Outside of School $50,000.00 Currently Bobcat is parked by the Kitchen and exhaust from the Bobcat is going into the cafeteria. This dose not meet fire code. Colby Pearce
JRES Install Windows in the three Kiva Spaces $15,000.00 The Kivas are now bing used as offices and classrooms throughout the day. Shawn Kuennen
JRES Replace Carpet in Classrooms, Hallways, Media Center. $162,000.00 Carpet is reaching the end of their useful life. Shawn Kuennen
JRES Provide Emergency Exit Through the Back Fecne to the Transportation Building. $10,000.00 The Transportation Building is where we will relocate our students in the event of an emergency. We need a direct route in case of urgency. Shawn Kuennen
JRES Replace Wood Chips in Kindergarten Playground with Rubber Surface $50,000.00 Safety and Cleanliness Shawn Kuennen
JRES Replace Steamer in Kitchen $15,000.00 Steamer is worn out and hard to get parts for. Elizabeth Strasser
JRES Install Fence Around Perimeter of School $30,000.00 There is just open space around school would like to install fence to protect the kids. Shawn Kuennen
MPES Replace Classroom Counter Tops and Sinks $126,000.00 The Counter tops and sinks are 23 years old and are in pretty rough shape. Greg Proffit
MPES Replace Counter Tops ubove lockers in Hallways $40,000.00 The Counter tops and sinks are 23 years old and are in pretty rough shape. Greg Proffit
MPES Paint Halls, Door Frams and Mulipurpose Room. $6,500.00    
MPES Need 2ea. Cordless Backpack Vacuums and 2 Extra Batteries $5,000.00 This will help us be more productive not pulling around a cord. Glade Givens
MPES Add Sidewalk Around Parking Lot $50,000.00 Add sidewalk around parking lot for safety Todd Hansen
MPES Install New Doorknobs in School to meet ADA Regulations $25,000.00 The round doorknobs do not meet ADA regulations Todd Hansen
MPES Need new Dishwasher for School Lunch $23,000.00 Dishwasher is worn out and needs to be replaced Elizabeth Stassser
PPES Add 30×20 Storage Building on to School $100,000.00 They are using the stage and boiler room for storage. Need place to store desks, tables, chairs and other supplies needed for the kids. Dave Gomez
PPES Remove Curtain and Build Insulated Wall Between Pre-School Rooms. Add Wall Between Library and Classroom. $8,000.00 The curtain does not work as a sound barrier for the two classrooms. Dave Gomez
PPES Add Insulated Wall and Door Between Library and Classroom $5,000.00 Need additional classroom space. Dave Gomez
PPES Replace Carpet in West Side of School $181,000.00 The carpet is 15 years old and needs to be replaced Dave Gomez
PPES Repair Retaining wall around Kindergarten Play Area. $450,000.00 Wall is deteriorating Todd Hansen
PPES Replace Playground Equipment in South Playground $40,000.00 Plastic coating on equipment is coming off and causing safety hazard. Todd Hansen
JRES, MPES, PPES, Replace Remaining Waterless Urinals with Lowflow $80,000.00 Waterless Urinals have a noxious oder and filters are very expensive Colby Pearce
District Office Replace Carpet Complete $35,000.00 Carpet is 16 years old and looks bad. Todd Hansen
District Office Redesign Parking lot to park more cars $100,000.00 will not hold enough cars Todd Hansen
District Office Repaint areas as needed $20,000.00 Paint hallways and stairways Todd Hansen
District Office Office Update $15,000.00 We have a room that was used as a network room that we would like to turn into a couple of offices. Joe Stout
Maintenance New Maintenance Truck $50,000.00 Replace truck 235, Service body, snowplow, salter Colby Pearce
Maintenance In bed Salter $10,000.00 Salter that will hold a lot of salt will save time and money Colby Pearce
Transportation 2ea. New Schools Buses $320,000.00 Replacement Cycle Todd Hauber
Transportation Remodel Office $200,000.00 Improve work place and efficiencies Todd Hauber

Clarification on $50 Million in Capital Requests by School Administrators

A concerned citizen wrote to us and asked whether our previous article on $50 million in capital requests for Park City Schools included the rebuild of Treasure Mountain Junior High. It does not. It also does not include a total of $7 million in additional capital outlays that are each less than $1 million dollars.

The Park City School Board still has to approve these $57 million of capital requests. So, it’s not a done deal. We’d venture to say the rebuild of Treasure Mountain Junior High is a done deal (although technically a school board vote is still needed).

If the new school and the most of the new requests are approved, we are talking about a lot of money they’ll need to raise via a school bond. As the citizen pointed out, “this could end up being a whopper of a bond issue.”


Park City School District Administrators Request over $50 million in Capital Outlays

The School District has completed gathering captial requests from district administrators. Currently, there are over $50,000,000 in requests. The School Board will ultimately decide on which requests are funded.

The requests more than $1 million are listed below:

Location Projects Over 1 Million Amount Requested School Rational/Explanation Comments Person Requesting
District Office New District Office 8,000,000 The District Office is to small and is not meeting the current needs of the district such as there is very limited space for Professional Development, public Board meetings, Office space and Parking. Ember Conley
Maintenance Food Service Build 12,000 sq ft. Warehouse /Maintenance Shop 2,200,000 Save money by buying food and supplies in bulk. Giving back much needed space to Transportation and providing much needed storage. Elizabeth Strasser Colby Pearce
PCHS Install Solar Panels 1,200,000 Energy Savings Todd Hauber
PCHS Dozier Field Multi-Purpose Building & Fieldhouse 20,000,000 Lack of adequate space in current facilities for popular extracurricular programs includig; team locker rooms, equipment storage, coaches offices, team meeting rooms, officials locker rooms, dedicated adequate cheerleading, wrestling, track & field, cross country, tennis and golf areas, classroom space, pressbox, laundry facility, spectator seating. Jamie Sheetz Bob O’Connor
PCHS On-Campus Tennis Courts (6-8) 1,000,000 Both boys (spring season) and grils (fall season) tennis teams need on-campus district owned/operated tennis facilities for training, practice and competition. Teams are currently relying on the PC-MARC tennis facilities for those needs. Court time is getting very hard to get. Jamie Sheetz Bob O’Connor
PCHS New Competition Gym/Arena 10,000,000 Additional gym space added on to west side of existing gyms (which would be reclaimed) and school would include gym(s), classrooms, weight room/fitness facility, storage, concessions, offices, multipurpose rooms. Current gym space, seating capacity, storage space and concession area are inadequate for indoor needs. Jamie Sheetz Bob O’Connor
PCHS Music/Engineering and Wood Shop 5,000,000 All 3 programs have outgrown current facility. Jamie Sheetz Bob O’Connor
PCHS Baseball Field/Softball Field Artificial Surface and Reorientation 3,000,000 Synthetic-artificial turf surface and reorientation/grading of baseball/softball fields. Increasing demand for open space for athletic team use and the multi-use agreement have increased use and traffic on the baseball and softball fields area for non-baseball/softball related activities (football, lacrosse, soccer) and make it more difficult to maintain an appropriate surface for baseball/softball. Jamie Sheetz Bob O’Connor

True, this was a Sundance where some of the shuttle bus drivers were so new to town that I ended up standing next to one directions-challenged driver and telling him where to turn and where to stop. Only in Park City.

-Kenneth Turan, LA Times Film Critic

Now We Know Exactly Where We Would Put the New Park City School Campus

A few days ago we wrote that we believe the Park City School District should move their Kearns Campus to east of Highway 40, between Home Depot and Quinn’s Junction. We believe eventually all Park City Schools could be housed in this area. The move would benefit a number of people including students, teachers, the county, Park City, school administrators, and the public in general. However, we didn’t have anywhere specific in mind to house the campus, other than “east of Highway 40”.

A thoughtful citizen contacted us and said, “have you ever heard of the Triangle Parcel?” We said that we had heard of the Bermuda Triangle. The citizen then came down to our level and said, “you know where the alpacas are, on the east side of Highway 40?” Oh yeah. Now we were communicating. They then informed us that this 111 acres is jointly owned by Summit County and Park City. What? WHAT?

Yes. Perhaps the perfect location for a school campus is already owned by two big benefactors of such a move.

We realize this property is still in the South Summit School District, but many things about this crazy concept aren’t seeming quite as crazy.

We still don’t think it will happen, but it’s Friday, so why not dream BIG?


What Happens to Park City Home Prices When Interest Rates Rise?

On Monday, two real estate agents were on KPCW talking about the current market around Park City. One comment caught our attention. It was said that while supply of homes were low, this hadn’t caused prices to increase in some areas of the Snyderville Basin. The example was given that the average home price was about $750K in Jeremy Ranch but there were only 10 homes for sale. They said this was unusual because low supply typically increases prices. The reason that this wasn’t occurring, according to the agents, was that people can’t get a mortgage for more than that amount.

They also said mortgage rates were near all-time lows.

That got us to thinking… what happens when mortgage rates start to rise? Generally when rates rise, people can afford “less house.” If someone buys a $500,000 home, with a 3.5% mortgage rate, that’s a monthly payment of $2,245 (excluding taxes, insurance, etc.). Let’s say they can afford that monthly payment. However, if rates rise to 5%, they can only buy a $419,000 home (if they can still only afford $2,245 a month). Given that scenario, that top-end $750,000 house quoted by the agents would need to be priced at $630,000 for people to afford it.

That said, if wages rise along with interest rates, then perhaps people can spend more and offset the higher rates. If not, it doesn’t bode well for everyone from our real estate agents to our government agencies that depend on property taxes.

The Federal Reserve has said they will stat raising rates in 2015 (most people think late this year). So, it should be interesting to watch how this impacts our area.

Increased Thefts Lead to Call for Jeremy Ranch to Become a Gated Community

It appears some Jeremy Ranch residents have had enough. Over the past few months a number of home robberies have taken place in Jeremy Ranch. However, this week thieves took it to a new level with 10 car break-ins on Monday night (8 reported to the Sheriff and at least 2 non-reported as of now). Tuesday night saw at least one other car break-in.

This has led to a call for gating Jeremy Ranch. One resident said, “I definitely think we need to gate Jeremy Ranch. We are close to I-80 and it is easy for savory characters to come right in. Now we may have commercial development right at the entrances and who knows what that will bring.” Another resident commented, “Our first thought after hearing of the break ins was – we are so close to the freeway. We support an investigation of gating our neighborhood.”

Is a gate in Jeremy Ranch feasible? Likely not. There is too much traffic. There are too many construction vehicles. There is also the entrance to East Canyon that would have to be accounted for. Yet, it will likely become an issue. The Summit County Planning Department will likely hear about it. We could see the Snyderville Basin Planning Commission getting involved. Countless hours will be spent.

What else could be done? Jeremy Ranch has a private security vehicle but people have commented that it either isn’t being used or isn’t a deterrent. The Sheriff could step up patrols. However, on the night of the Tuesday break-in, one resident commented that they saw a Sheriff’s vehicle parked in Jeremy Ranch at 11PM. Therefore, evidently that didn’t work.

So residents are left to contemplate what they should do. Neighborhood watch? Neighborhood patrols? Gates? Surveillance cameras across the neighborhood?

Unfortunately, this is what happens when problems aren’t solved early. They take on a life of their own and you never know where its going to end up.

Where Should Park City Schools Move

Earlier we had written that the Park City School District isn’t considering all ideas regarding rebuilding Treasure Mountain Junior High. We feel that the process is too insular, is not helping solve problems, and isn’t including other parts of government. So, if we were king, what would we do?

We would start by moving the entire Kearns campus. Crazy? Hear us out.

The Snyderville Basin has a transportation problem. You become acutely aware of this as you head into town on 248 in the morning. The School Board’s Master Planning Committee will likely recommend changes that will only increase traffic on 248 during peak periods. As County Council Member Roger Armstrong recently said, having visitors sit in traffic hurts Park City’s brand. It also makes it very painful for us locals. So why do it? Why not follow Summit County’s Community Development Department lead and put the new Treasure Mountain Junior High School (TMJHS) somewhere else?

The natural place is on the open space on the east side of Highway 40. This is currently outside of the school district boundaries (it’s in South Summit School district) and the School Board is worried about taking property taxes from South Summit. However, if TMJHS was placed somewhere between Home Depot and Quinn’s Junction, they could likely expand the boundaries of Park City School District to just this area, without including any homes, and thus not rob South Summit of any tax dollars.

Then consider the concept of not only moving TMJHS there but also moving Park City High School, McPolin Elementary, and the School Districts administrative offices there. The new area would become the Park City School District Campus. What would happen to the 80 acres along Kearns Blvd that currently is owned by the board of education? Park City Municipal could have an opportunity to decide what it wanted its entry corridor to look like. If done right, Park City could zone this land appropriately, the school board could sell this land, and the new campus could largely be built on these funds. What would 80 acres in the heart of Park City sell for? A lot.

The new campus would likely be separate buildings (or possibly wings in a large building) housing an elementary school (McPolin), 7th-8th, and 9th-12th. Resources like gyms, pools, auditoriums, fields, band/orchestra rooms, etc. could be shared. Teachers would have the opportunity to advance and teach a variety of subjects in the age groups they desired (once they were appropriately certified). The school district would benefit from reducing costs through shared spaces and more efficient utilization of teachers. Administration costs would likely be a little lower as well.

The entire school district would benefit from a campus purpose built with tomorrow’s technology and teaching requirements in mind. There would be ample space for concepts like PC CAPS. Teachers wouldn’t be constrained by 1980’s facilities.

The campus should also have room for expansion. As Jeremy Ranch, Trailside, Parley’s Park, and Ecker Hill buildings wear out, the schools could move to the new campus. The land housing the old schools could be sold to fund the additions to the campus. Eventually, all schools would be at the Park City Campus — sharing teachers, facilities, and amenities. It may also be possible to entice an organization like Salt Lake Community College or Utah Valley University to build next to the campus. That would further increase post-high school options in both college and technical courses.

So, what does each party get out of it:

Park City Municipal:

  1. It regains control over its entry corridor.
  2. It likely gets additional tax dollars from whatever is built on the former school district land.
  3. Traffic is reduced on 248.

Summit County:

  1. The county has a lot of land that is slated for development. Building a school campus is likely preferable to almost any other type of development.
  2. It eventually removes school traffic from existing neighborhoods (Jeremy Ranch, Ecker Hill area, Synderville, Trailside).
  3. As additional growth comes to Summit County, schools will be moving out to the campus. The old school land could be appropriately zoned to help control that growth (whatever that meant at the time the school moved).

Park City School District:

  1. A state of the art facility for its teachers and administrators
  2. Reduced ongoing costs through shared spaces and shared teachers
  3. Ability to offer more and better programs
  4. A “planned” campus built around today’s concepts
  5. Ability to attract the best teachers based on working at the best facility in Utah
  6. Could offer speciality classes that may not be financially viable now

Park City Kids:

  1. More classes to choose from throughout their tenure
  2. More exposure to art and music classes than now may be possible
  3. More athletic opportunities
  4. Fewer transitions between schools
  5. A better place to go every day


  1. Lot’s of opportunity to grow
  2. Ability to teach across age groups (given proper certifications were achieved)
  3. Potentially smaller classes depending on classes offered and teacher availability
  4. Use today’s technology tools to enhance education

There are of course obstacles to overcome. The land is toxic and all parties would need to work with United Park City Mines to get this area remediated from mine tailings. Park City and Summit County would likely need to rezone areas to make this all work, as well.

Perhaps most importantly we need to devise the optimal traffic strategy. Do we work with UDOT and the county to build additional roads (and ways) into the campus? Do we make the campus bus-only for students/parents without a special permit? We are sure there are people smarter than us to consider those options. However, we do think a new campus offers the ability to look at transportation in new ways. This land is adjacent to the Rail Trail, as well. How could we use that to our advantage?

While any plan has to overcome hurdles, we think this plan has a number of merits. Is our plan small and easy to implement? No. But If done right, does it offer a 50 year plan for our schools? Yes. Does it reduce transportation issues throughout the Basin? Yes. Is there a benefit to most user groups? Yes.

While we admit that this idea will probably never be considered and the odds are 1000:1 that in 2017 school traffic will be backed up onto Highway 40 – due to a new TMJHS on Kearns, we do think its consideration has merit.

Regardless, we do hope people understand there are creative ideas that can be devised that help our community as a whole. Maybe this isn’t the right plan, but we can’t rely on the same thinking that has gotten us into this mess to get us out of it.