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We still feel the class size issue has not been addressed and will continue to speak out on behalf of teachers for a school district that has enough money to heavily invest in programs outside the classroom. For example, I recently received a report from Ecker Hill that CTE classes average 35-38 in 3 sections, a Spanish class of 43…and other random core classes at 30 or more.

-PCEA Spokesperson during 10/21/2014 school board meeting

Definition: re-iter-vote (v.)

Definition: re-iter-vote (v.)

To vote again on something you’ve already voted for, and passed, with the stated intention of trying make sure other people know that everyone who voted for it was really, really, really behind it… but in reality just trying to convince yourself.

Example: The Park City School Board will re-iter-vote on the PC CAPS building.

Get Ready for a Treasure Mountain School Bond Next Year

In the debate over the new Professional Studies building, that the Park City School District is going to  re-iter-vote  on Tuesday, people are asking why they aren’t renovating Treasure Mountain Junior High School instead of constructing a new PC CAPS building.

During Tuesday’s School Board Meeting they included an estimate of the costs to renovate Treasure Mountain in their meeting documentation. It comes in at a cool $28 million. Currently there is only $18 million in the Capital Fund — or $13 million after the professional studies building gets built. So, either they know they can’t renovate the building because they don’t have the money or they are just waiting until next year to use the nuclear option and raise money because these kids deserve better than a building that is likely to fall on them at any moment. Our bet is on the latter.

The only question is whether they use their remaining ability to raise property taxes or whether they’ll go the bond route. Who are we kidding… Of course it will be the bond. That way they can still raise property taxes later (cue maniacal laugh). Also, according to Ballotpedia, Utah school district bonds are voted on in each odd numbered year. It just makes too much sense. Get the new building this year. By next year, everyone but Leslie Thatcher will have forgotten about this debate, and then the school board spends the next 6 month conditioning us all about the need for a new school.

So look for the school board to start brining up the issue early next spring. It will build to a frenzy around the cry of “for the kids” and you’ll read the Park Record Editorial telling you to vote for it. Then we’ll all go to the polls and…who knows. As is said in the movie Contact with Jodie Foster:

First rule in government spending: why build one when you can have two at twice the price.

Oh and just think what this could do for Park City’s Building industry. You read it here first.

Here is the cost estimate for Treasure Mountain renovations


Is Enrollment Way Up or Only a Little Bit? Depends on What They Are Selling…

We listened to School Superintendent Dr Ember Conley’s interview on KPCW and she was being questioned about the $5.7 million professional studies building they are going to vote for again tomorrow. It’s funny, though… during that interview Dr Conley repeated the idea that our school district has experienced so much growth, and therefore, facilities like these are needed.

A few minutes ago we were doing some research and saw this nugget on the footer for each school’s “About Us” Page (click image for bigger view).

“The district has only increased by 265 students over the past 5 years.”

So are we experiencing extreme growth or growth of only 265 students in 5 years? We guess it depends on what they’re selling.

The Ice Arena Portion of the Basin Rec Bond May Be Reason Enough to Vote Down the Entire Thing

Note: We are writing a series of articles on the Basin Rec Bond. We feel that that the “Pro-Bond” side is getting a lot of press and wanted to provide alternate points of view.

As part of Basin Rec’s $25 million bond, they will be using $2.5 million for construction of a second sheet of ice at the Park City Ice Arena. There are three main issues with this. The first is that it’s been 7 years since the Ice Arena was constructed and it’s lost money every year.


In 2013 losses increased to $170,000 per year up from losses of $136,000 in 2012. During conversations over the Ice Rink’s expansion in 2013, Mayor Dana Williams commented that he believed that the initial agreement was to not consider adding another sheet of ice until the Ice Arena broke even. That appears to still be years off.

The second issue with expansion of the Ice Arena is that they say they had to turn down 94 requests for ice time, equating to 417 hours and $131,000 in missed revenues. There are two issues with this. First, that’s $314 per hour. Currently they are brining in $114 per hour in revenues. This “untapped” market generates 3 times the revenue? Really? Second, the Ice Rink says there are 6,153 total hours available each year at the arena. So, they are missing out on 417 hours. Can they fill the other 5,736 hours at this second rink? More likely they would just spread out the traffic. Instead of having two ice sheets operating from 6 AM to Midnight, each making $670,000 per year. They probably have two ice sheets operating from 7AM to 10PM each making $350,000 per year.

Finally, and perhaps the biggest reason people may want to vote against the bond is that this $2.5 million that Snyderville Basin residents will be committed to for the next 21 years is for a “potential expansion of the Park City Ice Arena“. What? It’s not guaranteed? So the message is, please give us money, we’ll potentially use it to build another ice sheet, but if we don’t you don’t get the money back. Wow.

So, as part of this bond issue they want residents to contribute millions of dollars to something that loses money every year, probably won’t be 100% 90% 80% 70% utilized, and may or may not happen.

Like we have mentioned before, there are parts of this bond that many people probably like, like open space. However, we shouldn’t be forced to make bad investments just to get the things we as a community really want. Perhaps the only way to send the message that this isn’t acceptable is to vote down the entire bond and make them come back with individual bond offerings on the next ballot.

As always, the Park Rag does not officially endorse any candidates or many positions. You may think that adding another sheet of ice is vey important to our community…and that’s your right. We just want to point out potential issues we believe people should consider when voting this November.

How Basin Rec’s Bond Could Lead To Requiring More Growth

Note: We are writing a series of articles on the Basin Rec Bond. We feel that that the “Pro-Bond” side is getting a lot of press and wanted to provide alternate points of view.

In November, Snyderville Basin residents will vote on a $25 million bond for Basin Rec. If passed, this bond will pay for the purchase of open space, construction of trails, an additional ice sheet, and additions to the Basin Rec field house. It is likely one of these items will appeal to most people.

The cost is estimated to be about $120 per year for a $650,000 house. Yet, that may not be the biggest cost people end up worrying about. You see, bonds like this are issued for purchasing and building things. What they don’t cover is the ongoing cost of maintaining these facilities once built. There is a difference between buying open space which can sit vacant and building something that needs constant maintenance.

So, if this bond passes and the field house is added on to, an ice rink is built, and trails are constructed, those are all things that require more ongoing maintenance than is happening today. Translated, that means more money. Where does that money come from? More property taxes on homes and commercials buildings.

At some point (or some would say already) people get tired of having property taxes raised. What option is left for the city and county? Grow baby grow. It won’t be said directly but you’ll hear things like, we need the Basin economy to expand so we can continue to enjoy all the services we have become accustomed to. It just becomes ingrained in people’s mindsets that we need to approve the next fast food restaurant, hotel, or housing development because we need the money.

Yet, if government only truly bought and built the things that people absolutely wanted, we could limit that. By voting for the bond, it is likely you are contributing to the urban sprawl that so many are really opposed to.

Why is Large Basin Rec Bond Not Divided into Smaller Bonds?

Note: We are writing a series of articles on the Basin Rec Bond. We feel that that the “Pro-Bond” side is getting a lot of press and wanted to provide alternate points of view.

In November, Snyderville Basin residents will vote on a $25 million bond for Basin Rec. Basin Rec says they will use the $15 million for open space, $5.5 million for Fieldhouse expansion, $2.5 million for the Ice Rink, and $2 million for trails. Yet, these are varied, diverse projects that appeal to different people. Just because you like open space doesn’t mean that you want over $2 million to go to the ice rink. Just because you hike on local trails doesn’t necessarily mean you want more open space. Each of these individual items is different and each represents real money.

We as citizens are being forced into an all-or-none scenario because they chose to ask for $25 million in total versus having 4 individual bond offerings. Why is that? Most likely because they want to tie other, less popular items to open space — the most popular item of all time. If they were to run multiple bond offerings, it is likely open space and trail money would pass. The others would probably be left out.

If that supposition is true, then we probably shouldn’t approve this bond. It’s as if we are being played by the powers that be. It’s reminiscent of what happens in Washington DC where they attach defense spending to a bill supporting malnourished children.

These varied items should have been broken out. Let people vote for a second sheet of ice on the ice rink. Let people decide whether they want to expand the Fieldhouse. Let people decide if they are for trails. Let people decide on open space.

This is reason enough to vote this bond down. Voting the bond down doesn’t mean you are against trails and open space. It means you are against getting taken. By voting NO it would force Basin Rec to come back next year with individual items so that the community can vote for the line items that they want.

As always, please vote based on your own personal preferences. We don’t presume to know how you should vote. We just hope to provide a slightly different perspective on issues.

Summit County Needs to Stop Using Old and Non-Scientific Surveys as Basis for Future

Allegedly sometime in 2010 there was a meeting where about 200 people showed up and some portion of those people ranked what the most important to them in the Snyderville Basin. Since then, those results are periodically trotted out during meetings and in documents like our General Plan to show what the community’s “vision” is. Case in point, in our General Plan Phase 2 document, you’ll see the following on Community Vision:


This is then used to define what the community wants. Is there a problem here? Let us point out 3 things:

  1. Not representative. Having 200 random people attend a meeting and vote and to use that as any sort of survey makes little sense. Valid surveys go to painstaking lengths to ensure that it is representative of the population. How many second home owners were there “voting”? What was the distribution of race? What ages were represented? What was the distribution of income in attendance at this meeting? We might as well post a poll on and use that.
  2. 4 Years is a long time.What were you doing in 2010? Has anything changed from when you voted (did you vote in this?)? Oh, Vail is here. Kimball Junction has expanded dramatically. The movie studio is being built. 1000 homes are coming online near Home Depot. We are out of the recession and building is coming back.
  3. This list no longer seems accurate. If this list is accurate then we should be able to cancel all our work on traffic, transportation, and the mountain accord. The first traffic concern comes in at 9th (with mass transit).

This isn’t the only list, like this, that concerns us at the Park Rag. Right now consultants are using whiteboards where citizens that attended a meeting on transportation put green and red dots next to concepts they agreed or disagreed with in order to chart our future course. An example is below:


There were over 120 people at this meeting and it was a great turnout. Ideas were expressed by the County and citizen feedback was captured. It was a very valuable meeting. However, we envision the results of the green/red dot exercise being used to not only justify County ideas in the near future but for the next five years. Since we were at this meeting, we have a good idea of what’s wrong with this “survey”.

  1. While 120 people were at this meeting. The maximum number of votes for any item was about 30 votes. That would indicate that about only 30-40 people were voting.
  2. Even if 120 people voted, that would be far less than 1 percent of the Basin.
  3. Most of the people there were passionate about transportation problems. How would people who really don’t have a beef with transportation vote?
  4. These votes are valid as of that one night in October 2014. How valuable will they be next Summer? How about in two years.
  5. Some of the questions weren’t worded clearly for a Yes/No vote. People didn’t know what they were voting for.

We get why the County does exercises like these. It allows citizens to participate and share their feelings. It has value, as far as showing what a limited number of people who are concerned with an issue feel at that moment. However, extrapolating results and using it continually, many years on is a disservice to our community.

It makes us wonder in what other ways old data is being used to guide our future. With so much at stake, Summit County needs to be better than this.


New Traffic Feature at the Park Rag

We have added a new page to the Park Rag that shows traffic cameras around Park City. We personally have used this to help decide how we should plan our travels around town. It helps us decide whether we should take the front or back way as we are coming or going.

The TRAFFIC page is accessible through the top menu and can also be found by clicking here. The top half of the page shows the various cameras as if you were coming from Pinebrook on I-80 towards town using 224. The bottom half shows what traffic looks like if you were to take the back way in using I-80 to Highway 40 to 248.

And if you have really good eyesight, you could use this to monitor the progress on Park City Film Studios.

We hope you find it useful.