Park City School Closures
We’ve received a few emails and comments on the school district closing school today. As is typical, we don’t really get the comments praising the school district for bowing to the snow gods (we’re sure many parents are happy to go skiing with their kids). However, we did get a few emails from parents who were upset with the decision. One parent emailed at about 6:45AM and said the road outside her house was completely plowed and couldn’t understand how schools were closed.
Another email commented, “Do you know how much not being able to work is costing me? While I’m all for safety, this seems ridiculous.”
We reached out to the school district for comment. Molly Miller with the Park City School District replied:
“The decision was made this morning because there was about a foot of snow on the side roads and buses were unable to make it through. Here’s a look at the policy:
We view the decision to close school as a damned if you do and damned if you don’t decision. If something were to happen to a bus, there would be an uproar, and potentially kids hurt. However, there probably are some kids who are hungry today because they didn’t get school lunches.
But heck, it’s a good day for Vail as kids flock to the resorts.
However, the best quote just came in from a reader. She says, “I was just at the doctor in Salt Lake and they asked what I was going to do with the rest of my day. I told them Park City schools were closed, so I am taking care of my children. The doctor said, ‘Park City closed for snow?’ and couldn’t stop laughing.”
Maybe that doctor has a point. Park City is the only school in the state to close because of this storm.
That said, it’s supposed to snow from 6PM tonight for the next day or two. They are predicting up to 30 more inches of snow by Thursday. So, it looks like Park City kids may get another couple of ski snow days.
Should Summit County help accelerate growth at the Canyons?
A fundamental question we face as a community is how much growth we want. We know that more growth is coming, not only from our own existing entitlements, but from Wasatch County. Now, it seems we have another question to answer:
Do we want to accelerate growth?
This Wednesday the Summit County Council will discuss creating a special services district at the Canyons. TCFC, the primary property owner at Canyons Village (Canyons), is requesting that Summit County create a $21 million bond to help pay for their infrastructure. Individual property owners at the Canyons Village would then pay higher property taxes to pay off the bond.
In a presentation created by TCFC for the Summit County Council, TCFC says it’s an “Opportune Timing to Accelerate Development and Tax Generation” for Summit County. TCFC wants to add infrastructure to the Canyons, including a new Main Street, a high mountain road, and an $11.7 million parking garage (among other smaller projects). TCFC’s arguments are:
- Park City is poised for strong growth in the coming years as a result of the “Vail Effect” bringing more skiers to the area
- Projections for overnight visitor growth quickly surpass the current bed base
- Accelerated development in the Canyons expedites generation of tax revenue for Summit County
- This will require a public-private partnership with Summit County to build key infrastructure to facilitate development
So, TCFC Is asking Summit County to issue a $20+ million bond, assess Canyon’s property owners via taxes, so that TCFC can expand the Canyons more quickly than they otherwise might. It also means that anything built via these bonds is owned by the County. So, Summit County would own part of a resort and could then pay TCFC to manage this infrastructure! In return for this, Summit County would benefit from increased tax revenue (according to TCFC’s presentation).
It’s almost so ludicrous sounding that we wonder what the real play is. Is TCFC asking for the special assessment, in order to later give that up, in order to get something they really want? Is TCFC finding it difficult to get workable financing? Or does TCFC just want to take advantage of a good economy and expand while they can?
We’re not sure. But we appreciate the Summit County Attorney’s Office drafting a legal memorandum outlining questions about this “offer.” Some of the questions that Chief Civil Deputy Dave Thomas brings up include:
- Why is the CVMA (Canyons Village Management Association) funding source (real estate transfer fees or assessments of CVMA members) insufficient to finance the construction of resort infrastructure?
- What are the financial risks to the County associated with establishing an assessment area at the Canyons? What happens if property owners within
the assessments? What are the legal ramifications of such nonpayment? Would the County have to wait 5 years to collect on any delinquency via tax sale? Would the County have to subsidize bond payments while collecting delinquent assessments? How will this impact the County’s bond rating? Why should the County take these financial risks? - What are the benefits to the County of establishing an assessment area at the Canyons? Will the tax base (sales, property, TRT, Restaurant taxes) be enhanced?
- Would the redevelopment proposed by TCFC occur anyway without establishing an assessment area?
- Why would the County want to own resort infrastructure? Who would maintain the resort infrastructure?
- The CVMA has obligations under the Development Agreement for moderate income
housing, roads and transit. Does an assessment area constitute a bail-out of those
existing obligations? - Is it in the County’s best interests to facilitate economic growth at the Canyons, given the current 2.8% unemployment rate in the County, the absence of adequate moderate income housing in the area, and the increased impacts to the transportation system?
We would add one more question to that list:
Does the county really want to help build a 700 car parking garage at the base of the Canyons while they are preaching “take the bus”? It just wouldn’t make a lot of sense.
It should be interesting to watch on Wednesday as the council listens to TCFC’s arguments and debates the issues. It will also be an initial litmus test on where our two new county council members Glenn Wright and Doug Clyde really stand on these types of issues.
If you’d like more information, the TCFC presentation is here. The Summit County Legal Memorandum is here.
As with any topic, if you’d like two let the Summit County Council know your feelings, you can email them at .
Could Park City and Summit County do more to keep our air clean?
Most people agree that idling vehicles are bad for our community. Every year, it seems, the Park Record comes out with an article about Park City upping enforcement of anti-idling laws. Currently Park City and Summit County have laws that say you can’t idle for more than one minute. It used to be three minutes, but we suppose one minute sounds better.
What’s the problem? You get 3 warnings before you get a fine.
That’s crazy. Imagine if you got 3 warnings before a speeding violation. Many people would drive 100 miles an hour until they were caught a third time.
So, why doesn’t the city and county make it an immediate fine? The reason is Utah Code Title 41 Chapter 6a Part 2 Section 208 3 c ii. It says, “A local highway authority may not enact an ordinance that prohibits or restricts an owner or operator of a vehicle from causing or permitting the vehicle’s engine to idle unless the ordinance provides that a person must be issued at least three warning citations before imposing a fine.”
We often hear with our local politics that we need to contribute money to statewide efforts in order to have a seat at the table. What table would we want to have a seat at more than one that would help make sure we don’t have an inversion like Salt Lake is currently experiencing? Anti-idling ordinances help with that.
It seems our local governments want to tell people that there is a law the books, even though it’s really ineffectual, in order influence behavior. We get that. However, wouldn’t it be even more effective to be able to actually enforce a law?
If idling is really an important issue for Park City and Summit County, maybe it’s time they called in a few chits to change the law… and remove the three “warnings” that neuter our ability to keep our air clean.
That one step may help us from having massive inversions like Salt Lake.
A reminder why to put the safety bar down on the lift
Yesterday in Colorado, a mother and her two daughters fell from a ski lift at a small resort in Colorado. The 20 foot fall into snow killed the mother and seriously injured her 9 and 12 year old daughters.
While the official cause of the fall has not been released, witnesses of the accident said the lift had not been working properly for a few days. According to CBS 4 in Denver, “Each stop of the lift caused chairs to sway and bounce.”
I remember riding up a lift with a ski instructor at Deer Valley a couple of years ago and she said, “You always put the bar down. You just never know what might happen.”
We know that it is a pain to put down the foot-rest and bring it back up again. That said, that little inconvenience may someday save your life or someone you love.
Would a few signs on Highway 248 lower Park City’s collective blood pressure and make traffic more efficient?
This morning I drove Highway 248 to get to Deer Valley. As usual, traffic had backed up and the road rage was starting. What’s the problem? The merge from two lanes to one lane right before the narrows going into Park City.
You had some people getting in the left lane way before the merge. You had some people zooming down the right lane, passing by all those who had moved to the left lane. In order to “fight” this, drivers from the left lane began moving to the center of the road, blocking drivers on the right from getting by. Then there was what looked like a small city bus that used the shoulder on the right to fly by the “road blockers.” It wasn’t exactly the safest maneuver you’d want to see from a bus.
It’s frankly a mess, and you can feel the collective blood pressure of all people involved rising. Unsurprisingly, this problem isn’t unique to Park City. There are plenty of places in the world where two lanes merge to one. If you’d like to get into mathematics and queuing theory, we’d recommend reading this New York Times article called Urge to Merge.
If you don’t geek out to 0 = α0 1n (C2/kj), here is the gist. The most efficient way for traffic to merge from two lanes to one is using a “zipper merge.” Traffic uses both lanes as they approach the merge. Then cars in each lane take their turn merging.
So what would we suggest, three electronic signs on Highway 248 (the temporary orange variety). Two signs among 248 would ask motorists to use both lanes. This serves the purpose of educating EVERYONE that both lanes are OK to use. This should reduce road rage as the people on the left (called “Lineruppers”) don’t get enraged as people fill the right lanes (called “Sidezippers”). Park City has TOLD people to use both lanes, so it is OK that people are using the right lane.
Then a third sign is added near the merge that asks people to take turns merging.
Would it work? It looks like it has in other areas. Perhaps Park City has tried this in the past and it hasn’t been effective. If not, we won’t know unless we try.
It seems like both a way to improve traffic flow and make people happier. That would be a good combination for Park City.
Did the restaurant you are going to tonight in Park City have any health inspection issues?
A few years ago, we used to make a trip to the Summit County Health Department to review paper restaurant inspections. About a year ago, the health department began putting inspections online. We view it as a great service provided by the county. Having watched our share of Kitchen Nightmares, we know that running a kitchen is hard but that it can also be deadly. So, we appreciate the work Summit County Health Director Rich Bullough and his team do in keeping us safe.
What sort of things might you find in these inspections? You might find a restaurant whose dish washing equipment isn’t actually using sanitizer. You might find a convenience store where the cold tables aren’t cold enough. You might also find things you don’t care about like signs reminding employees to wash their hands (does that do any good?).
So, what does a report look like for a place you may have frequented on Main Street (keep clicking the image below to make it bigger)?
If you’d like to search yourself, here is the link to the Summit County Health Department’s inspections.
How much do Park City teachers and administrators make?
In an earlier story. We had made a comment that $82,000 could pay for two Park City teachers. A reader commented that it was more like one teacher, due to benefits. We weren’t really sure what Park City School District personnel made, so we checked out Utah’s Right to Know website, which shows government employee salaries.
The table below lists gross compensation (salary plus benefits) for all Park City School District personnel in 2015.
We made the decision not to list employee names and instead just provide their position. Each line in the table below represents an employee. Their gross compensation is salary plus benefits. Generally it seems that 30%-35% of the gross compensation are benefits. So, if you see gross compensation of $100,000 it is likely that their salary is about $67,000 and benefits are about $33,000.
Position | Gross Compensation |
Superintendent | $245,687 |
Business Administrator | $210,424 |
Director | $188,786 |
Dir Student Services | $187,966 |
Secondary Principal | $182,045 |
Park City Ed Foundation Direct | $179,740 |
Elementary Principal | $175,092 |
Pccaps Coordinator/director | $167,777 |
Elementary Principal | $165,659 |
Director | $164,794 |
Elementary Principal | $163,980 |
Algebra | $162,086 |
Algebra | $157,278 |
Middle School Principal | $156,894 |
Elementary Principal | $154,520 |
Biology | $154,223 |
Special Ed Coordinator | $153,992 |
Secondary Assistant Principal | $153,440 |
Physical Education | $148,302 |
Summer School/after School Dir | $147,481 |
Community Ed Director | $146,760 |
Physics | $145,046 |
Middle School Principal | $144,171 |
Math 6-7 | $143,352 |
Chemistry | $143,105 |
Calculus | $143,104 |
Pccaps Coordinator/director | $142,047 |
Health Education | $141,495 |
Spanish | $140,046 |
Middle School Principal | $139,067 |
Algebra | $138,938 |
Math 6-7 | $136,457 |
Technology Administrator | $135,822 |
Counselor | $134,372 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $134,231 |
3rd Grade | $134,076 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $134,045 |
Licensed Substitute | $133,746 |
1st Grade | $130,987 |
History | $130,598 |
Language Arts | $130,542 |
Counselor | $130,481 |
5th Grade | $129,338 |
Special Education | $129,010 |
Career & Technical Education | $128,530 |
English As A Second Language | $127,649 |
Language Arts | $127,267 |
Physical Education | $126,888 |
Physical Education | $126,801 |
Language Arts | $126,402 |
Language Arts | $126,306 |
Kindergarten/early Childhood | $125,673 |
Special Education | $125,327 |
Special Education | $125,289 |
History | $124,465 |
Counselor | $124,205 |
4th Grade | $124,149 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $124,080 |
Art | $123,836 |
Music | $123,298 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $123,101 |
3rd Grade | $122,935 |
Gifted & Talented/sight Specia | $122,549 |
5th Grade | $122,502 |
Kindergarten/early Childhood | $122,414 |
Special Education | $122,371 |
Special Education | $121,490 |
3rd Grade | $121,425 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $121,394 |
Counselor | $121,277 |
Library Media | $121,218 |
Counselor | $120,884 |
Social Studies | $120,742 |
Counselor | $120,322 |
Special Education | $120,042 |
3rd Grade | $119,733 |
Algebra | $119,700 |
Elementary Reading | $119,051 |
Physical Education | $119,006 |
Gifted & Talented/sight Specia | $118,887 |
3rd Grade | $118,767 |
2nd Grade | $118,690 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $118,522 |
Special Education | $118,512 |
Elementary Reading | $118,508 |
Library Media | $118,458 |
Science | $118,057 |
3rd Grade | $117,951 |
Special Education | $117,911 |
Special Education | $117,756 |
Special Education | $117,726 |
2nd Grade | $117,716 |
Music | $117,493 |
3rd Grade | $117,493 |
Gifted & Talented/sight Specia | $117,459 |
Physical Education | $117,387 |
Language Arts | $117,326 |
Technology Administrator | $117,305 |
Language Arts | $117,045 |
French | $117,043 |
Elementary Reading | $117,026 |
Middle School Assistant Princi | $116,867 |
2nd Grade | $116,697 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $116,680 |
Counselor | $116,428 |
5th Grade | $115,801 |
Network Administrator | $115,656 |
Finance Manager | $115,652 |
Physical Education | $115,562 |
History | $115,349 |
French | $115,290 |
1st Grade | $115,011 |
Counselor | $114,905 |
Counselor | $114,862 |
Counselor | $114,693 |
Algebra | $114,413 |
Music | $114,341 |
4th Grade | $113,701 |
1st Grade | $113,513 |
5th Grade | $113,479 |
Pcac Director | $113,221 |
1st Grade | $113,072 |
6th Grade | $113,038 |
Library Media | $112,827 |
Secondary Math | $112,640 |
2nd Grade | $112,623 |
6th Grade | $112,471 |
Physical Education | $112,234 |
6th Grade | $112,206 |
Spanish | $112,060 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $111,836 |
1st Grade | $111,750 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $111,643 |
Language Arts | $111,381 |
Elementary Reading | $111,170 |
Kindergarten/early Childhood | $111,152 |
Language Arts | $111,144 |
Counselor | $110,627 |
French | $110,124 |
Algebra | $109,973 |
2nd Grade | $109,704 |
Dual Immersion | $109,636 |
Physical Education | $109,470 |
Secondary Math | $109,196 |
Gifted & Talented/sight Specia | $109,106 |
Cte Programming/design | $109,051 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $108,978 |
Maintenance Supervisor | $108,878 |
Physical Education | $108,816 |
5th Grade | $108,758 |
English As A Second Language | $108,428 |
2nd Grade | $108,305 |
Physical Education | $108,267 |
4th Grade | $108,266 |
Fashion/int Des/food&nutr | $108,122 |
Language Arts | $108,014 |
4th Grade | $107,996 |
Social Studies | $107,877 |
English As A Second Language | $107,564 |
Science | $107,529 |
4th Grade | $107,061 |
Human Resources Analyst | $106,999 |
Science | $106,864 |
Leisure Learning Coordinator | $106,721 |
Language Arts | $106,567 |
Social Studies | $106,451 |
English As A Second Language | $106,261 |
5th Grade | $106,191 |
3rd Grade | $105,908 |
Counselor | $105,786 |
Band Or Orchestra Or Chorus | $105,728 |
5th Grade | $105,419 |
Special Education | $105,359 |
3rd Grade | $105,189 |
Biology | $105,066 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $105,031 |
Payroll Coordinator | $104,749 |
Dual Immersion | $104,463 |
Shop Supervisor/lead Mechanic | $104,350 |
Career & Technical Education | $104,349 |
Special Education | $103,957 |
1st Grade | $103,629 |
Science | $103,625 |
4th Grade | $103,467 |
3rd Grade | $103,354 |
Dance | $103,315 |
Language Arts | $103,148 |
Counselor | $103,098 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $102,602 |
4th Grade | $102,479 |
Art | $102,435 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $102,412 |
Language Arts | $102,293 |
Head Custodian | $102,220 |
Maintenance/journeyman | $102,043 |
Algebra | $101,864 |
Executive Assistant | $101,339 |
Technical Director (prodn Mgr) | $101,330 |
2nd Grade | $101,259 |
English As A Second Language | $101,250 |
5th Grade | $101,148 |
Biology | $101,020 |
Algebra | $100,855 |
Purchasing Agent | $100,757 |
Language Arts | $100,001 |
Library Media | $99,979 |
Head Custodian | $99,544 |
Language Arts | $99,153 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $99,139 |
Band Or Orchestra Or Chorus | $99,036 |
Social Studies | $98,875 |
Athletics Director | $98,824 |
Career & Technical Education | $98,810 |
Physical Education | $98,730 |
Literacy Specialist | $98,623 |
Library Media | $98,309 |
English As A Second Language | $98,287 |
1st Grade | $98,170 |
6th Grade | $98,076 |
4th Grade | $97,915 |
Language Arts | $97,737 |
Spanish | $97,443 |
Social Studies | $97,417 |
Language Arts | $97,235 |
Art | $97,143 |
Mechanic Ii | $96,662 |
System Administrator | $96,656 |
Science | $96,532 |
Kindergarten/early Childhood | $96,348 |
Network Administrator | $95,693 |
Art | $95,573 |
Head Custodian | $95,280 |
Pcac Assistant Director | $95,279 |
5th Grade | $95,074 |
Economics | $95,024 |
Speech-language Pathology | $94,999 |
Social Studies | $94,954 |
2nd Grade | $94,901 |
Social Studies | $94,659 |
Special Education | $94,409 |
Science | $94,351 |
Social Studies | $94,295 |
Special Education | $94,259 |
4th Grade | $94,232 |
Physical Education | $93,833 |
Transportation Director | $93,638 |
6th Grade | $93,511 |
Biology | $93,278 |
System Administrator | $93,241 |
Dual Immersion | $93,004 |
2nd Grade | $92,809 |
Language Arts | $92,410 |
Dual Immersion | $91,870 |
Speech-language Pathology | $91,866 |
Physics | $91,554 |
Head Custodian | $91,016 |
English As A Second Language | $90,877 |
System Administrator | $90,690 |
Science | $90,617 |
3rd Grade | $90,577 |
3rd Grade | $90,547 |
1st Grade | $90,171 |
Language Arts | $90,163 |
Kindergarten/early Childhood | $90,109 |
Special Education | $90,104 |
Maintenance Supervisor | $90,100 |
Spanish | $90,098 |
System Administrator | $89,993 |
Gifted & Talented/sight Specia | $89,838 |
Kindergarten/early Childhood | $89,792 |
Language Arts | $89,727 |
Music | $89,589 |
Administrative Assistant/curri | $89,246 |
3rd Grade | $88,733 |
Chemistry | $87,806 |
Maintenance/journeyman | $87,761 |
Dual Immersion | $87,531 |
4th Grade | $87,389 |
4th Grade | $86,836 |
Dispatcher Secretary | $86,827 |
Administrative Assistant/stude | $86,580 |
Kindergarten/early Childhood | $86,556 |
Music | $86,292 |
Head Custodian | $86,253 |
Art | $85,951 |
Art | $85,906 |
Dual Immersion | $85,776 |
Head Custodian | $85,670 |
Physical Education | $85,274 |
Head Custodian | $85,220 |
Counselor | $85,061 |
Mechanic Ii | $84,868 |
Special Education | $84,460 |
Dual Immersion | $84,240 |
2nd Grade | $84,074 |
5th Grade | $84,029 |
Music | $83,998 |
Earth Science | $83,888 |
Maintenance/journeyman | $83,415 |
English As A Second Language | $83,100 |
History | $82,901 |
System Support | $82,285 |
Social Studies | $82,272 |
Physical Education | $81,729 |
Food Service Director | $81,674 |
Dual Immersion | $81,022 |
Spanish | $81,005 |
Math 6-7 | $80,869 |
5th Grade | $80,796 |
Special Education | $80,607 |
Music | $80,290 |
Health Education | $80,196 |
Administrative Secretary - Sch | $79,838 |
Language Arts | $79,555 |
5th Grade | $78,919 |
System Administrator | $78,874 |
Administrative Secretary - Sch | $78,561 |
Spanish | $78,397 |
School Bus Driver | $78,370 |
School Bus Driver | $78,316 |
Dual Immersion | $78,239 |
Language Arts | $77,939 |
Dual Immersion | $77,736 |
Night-time Custodial Superviso | $77,649 |
Dual Immersion | $77,305 |
Night-time Custodial Superviso | $77,212 |
History | $76,822 |
Park City Ed Foundation | $76,672 |
Algebra | $76,555 |
Administrative Secretary - Sch | $76,287 |
Dual Immersion | $75,712 |
Administrative Assistant/comm | $75,592 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $75,385 |
Technology | $75,379 |
Dual Immersion | $75,224 |
Social Studies | $75,198 |
Food Service Manager I (ms & | $74,962 |
Custodian | $74,830 |
General Financial Literacy | $74,743 |
Security | $74,611 |
Kindergarten/early Childhood | $74,380 |
Dual Immersion | $74,073 |
Dispatcher Secretary | $73,956 |
Speech-language Pathology | $73,492 |
Administrative Secretary - Sch | $73,338 |
Speech-language Pathology | $73,167 |
Custodian | $72,969 |
Custodian | $72,513 |
Night-time Custodial Superviso | $72,385 |
Library Media | $72,367 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $72,329 |
Administrative Secretary - Sch | $72,149 |
Music | $72,102 |
6th Grade | $72,063 |
School Nurse | $71,919 |
Algebra | $71,713 |
Special Education | $71,614 |
Custodian | $71,605 |
Dual Immersion | $70,907 |
Biology | $70,678 |
Secretary | $70,487 |
School Bus Driver | $70,006 |
Education Technol Specialist | $69,784 |
Administrative Secretary - Sch | $69,756 |
1st Grade | $69,494 |
System Support | $69,183 |
Special Education | $68,652 |
Education Technol Specialist | $68,427 |
School Nurse | $67,672 |
School Bus Driver | $67,293 |
Custodian | $67,061 |
School Bus Driver | $66,882 |
Secretary | $66,846 |
Financial Secretary | $66,823 |
Secretary/receptionist | $66,472 |
Scholarship Assistant | $65,902 |
Accounting Assistant | $65,700 |
6th Grade | $65,421 |
Library Media | $65,394 |
Special Education | $65,382 |
Chinese | $65,080 |
Dual Immersion | $64,966 |
Dual Immersion | $64,701 |
Custodian | $64,696 |
Custodian | $64,290 |
2nd Grade | $63,425 |
Dance | $63,357 |
Education Technol Specialist | $63,114 |
Custodian | $62,978 |
Bilingual Specialist | $62,743 |
Secretary | $62,059 |
Custodian | $61,945 |
Registrar | $61,778 |
Iss Supervisor/secretary | $61,164 |
Custodian | $61,030 |
Secretary | $60,432 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $60,224 |
School Bus Driver | $59,843 |
4th Grade | $59,831 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $59,593 |
Science | $59,494 |
Career & Technical Education | $59,306 |
Secretary | $59,049 |
Custodian | $58,994 |
Custodian | $58,966 |
Custodian | $58,965 |
Physical Education | $58,919 |
Iss Supervisor/secretary | $58,837 |
Administrative Secretary - Sch | $58,469 |
6th Grade | $58,414 |
Student Detention/iss Supervis | $58,331 |
School Bus Driver | $58,251 |
Social Studies | $58,227 |
3rd Grade | $58,136 |
Park City Ed Foundation | $57,758 |
Science | $57,129 |
Registrar-secretary | $57,073 |
System Support | $56,907 |
After-school Programs | $56,767 |
School Bus Driver | $56,143 |
Education Technol Specialist | $56,137 |
School Bus Driver | $54,062 |
Benefits Manager | $52,989 |
School Bus Driver | $52,989 |
Math 6-7 | $52,757 |
School Bus Driver | $52,698 |
4th Grade | $52,562 |
Education Technol Specialist | $52,264 |
2nd Grade | $52,232 |
Library Media | $52,209 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $51,737 |
Food Service Manager I (ms & | $51,728 |
Food Service Manager I (ms & | $51,556 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $51,332 |
Park City Ed Foundation | $50,970 |
School Bus Driver | $50,894 |
School Bus Driver | $50,514 |
Education Technol Specialist | $49,855 |
Food Service Manager I (ms & | $49,787 |
Food Service Manager I (ms & | $49,772 |
School Bus Driver | $49,090 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $48,553 |
1st Grade | $47,967 |
Literacy Specialist | $47,110 |
School Bus Driver | $47,051 |
3rd Grade | $46,743 |
School Bus Driver | $46,672 |
Kindergarten/early Childhood | $46,542 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $45,685 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $45,399 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $45,029 |
School Bus Driver | $42,800 |
After-school Programs | $42,781 |
Teacher Specialist / Leader | $42,286 |
School Bus Driver | $41,744 |
Kindergarten/early Childhood | $41,624 |
Cook | $41,182 |
Comm Ed K Coord/lead Teacher | $40,870 |
Comm Ed K Coord/lead Teacher | $40,747 |
Food Service Manager I (ms & | $40,607 |
School Bus Driver | $40,447 |
Behavior Support Specialist | $40,306 |
Introduction To Information Te | $40,135 |
Cook | $39,558 |
Cook | $39,521 |
Preschool Teacher (classified) | $39,365 |
School Bus Driver | $37,871 |
Preschool Teacher (classified) | $37,808 |
Comm Ed K Coord/lead Teacher | $37,604 |
School Nurse | $37,510 |
2nd Grade | $37,317 |
Cook | $36,444 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $35,560 |
Cook | $34,851 |
Park City Ed Foundation | $34,765 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $34,143 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $33,706 |
Cook | $33,563 |
6th Grade | $32,897 |
1st Grade | $32,792 |
Preschool Teacher (classified) | $32,537 |
Secretary | $32,500 |
Cook | $32,192 |
Preschool Teacher (classified) | $32,030 |
Cook | $31,920 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $31,825 |
School Nurse | $31,774 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $31,043 |
Administrative Secretary - Sch | $30,489 |
Food Service Manager I (ms & | $30,294 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $30,223 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $29,837 |
Physical Education Specialist | $29,784 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $29,203 |
Administrative Secretary - Sch | $28,610 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $28,266 |
Board Members | $27,932 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $27,813 |
Cook | $27,796 |
Bus Attendant | $27,617 |
Other Contract Services1 | $27,390 |
Special Education | $27,207 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $27,058 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $26,982 |
School Bus Driver | $26,388 |
School Bus Driver | $26,171 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $26,092 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $25,998 |
Board Members | $25,819 |
Education Technol Specialist | $25,761 |
Other Contract Services1 | $25,108 |
Other Contract Services1 | $25,029 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $24,997 |
Other Contract Services1 | $24,849 |
Preschool Teacher (classified) | $24,799 |
School Bus Driver | $24,672 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $23,979 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $23,493 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $23,465 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $23,315 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $23,163 |
Bus Attendant | $22,722 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $22,659 |
Career & Technical Education | $22,286 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $22,104 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $21,770 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $21,659 |
Kindergarten/early Childhood | $21,652 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $21,650 |
Park City Ed Foundation | $21,375 |
Cook | $21,362 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $21,316 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $21,252 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $21,177 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $20,959 |
Board Members | $20,839 |
Physical Education | $20,825 |
Comm Ed K Coord/lead Teacher | $20,790 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $20,756 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $20,666 |
Bus Attendant | $20,480 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $20,047 |
Career & Technical Education | $19,275 |
Special Education | $19,226 |
School Bus Driver | $19,187 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $19,067 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $18,917 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $18,900 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $18,795 |
Cook | $18,661 |
Custodian | $18,196 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $17,936 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $17,886 |
Substitute Bus Driver | $17,466 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $17,285 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $17,275 |
Other Contract Services1 | $17,108 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $16,883 |
Pcac Coach (swim H20 Polo) | $16,498 |
After-school Programs | $16,246 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $16,210 |
Other Contract Services1 | $15,949 |
Cook | $15,906 |
Pcac Coach (swim H20 Polo) | $15,784 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $15,498 |
Introduction To Information Te | $15,357 |
After-school Programs | $14,594 |
Preschool Teacher (classified) | $14,389 |
Substitute Bus Driver | $13,919 |
Board Members | $13,757 |
Cook | $13,576 |
Physical Education Specialist | $13,560 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $13,483 |
Park City Ed Foundation | $13,482 |
Licensed Substitute | $13,357 |
Board Members | $13,204 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $13,186 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $13,054 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $12,877 |
Cook | $12,797 |
English As A Second Language | $12,639 |
Cook | $12,627 |
Cook | $12,543 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $12,395 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $12,377 |
Board Members | $12,350 |
Education Technol Specialist | $12,177 |
Board Members | $11,983 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $11,894 |
Substitute Custodian | $11,748 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $11,744 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $11,691 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $11,626 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $11,601 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $11,444 |
Licensed Substitute | $11,369 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $11,232 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $11,170 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $11,047 |
Licensed Substitute | $10,944 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $10,924 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $10,686 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $10,548 |
Licensed Substitute | $10,352 |
Cook | $10,312 |
Substitute Bus Driver | $10,167 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $10,099 |
Preschool Teacher (classified) | $10,031 |
Cook | $10,028 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $10,019 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $9,948 |
Other Contract Services1 | $9,940 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $9,932 |
School Bus Driver | $9,839 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $9,698 |
History | $9,657 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $9,611 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $9,455 |
Licensed Substitute | $9,207 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $9,172 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $9,162 |
Custodian | $8,836 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $8,676 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $8,433 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $8,367 |
After-school Programs | $8,259 |
Other Contract Services1 | $8,074 |
Other Contract Services1 | $8,074 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $8,026 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $7,738 |
Substitute Bus Driver | $7,717 |
Licensed Substitute | $7,641 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $7,631 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $7,627 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $7,565 |
Substitute Bus Driver | $7,564 |
After-school Programs | $7,501 |
Other Contract Services1 | $7,480 |
Licensed Substitute | $7,416 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $7,155 |
Licensed Substitute | $7,103 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $7,060 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $6,939 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $6,807 |
Substitute Bus Driver | $6,765 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $6,691 |
Licensed Substitute | $6,682 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $6,599 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $6,494 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $6,467 |
Other Contract Services1 | $6,384 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $6,362 |
Pcac Instructor | $6,337 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $6,259 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $6,100 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $6,089 |
Substitute Bus Driver | $6,010 |
Substitute Bus Driver | $5,879 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $5,758 |
Assistant Coach | $5,703 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $5,699 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $5,640 |
Licensed Substitute | $5,575 |
Substitute Bus Driver | $5,566 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $5,488 |
Licensed Substitute | $5,445 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $5,427 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $5,338 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $5,205 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $5,073 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $4,999 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $4,999 |
Licensed Substitute | $4,971 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $4,903 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $4,776 |
Licensed Substitute | $4,623 |
Middle School Assistant Princi | $4,549 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $4,503 |
Assistant Coach | $4,500 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $4,460 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $4,419 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $4,415 |
Licensed Substitute | $4,408 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $4,378 |
Assistant Coach | $4,366 |
Head Coach | $4,297 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $4,208 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $4,204 |
Licensed Substitute | $4,168 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $4,157 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $4,146 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $4,125 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $4,072 |
Water Aerobics Instructor | $4,053 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $4,051 |
Assistant Coach | $4,050 |
Preschool Teacher (classified) | $3,967 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $3,818 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $3,703 |
Head Coach | $3,619 |
Licensed Substitute | $3,505 |
Other Contract Services1 | $3,479 |
Other Contract Services1 | $3,470 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $3,463 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $3,451 |
Licensed Substitute | $3,440 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $3,369 |
After-school Programs | $3,352 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $3,311 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $3,292 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $3,287 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $3,253 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $3,228 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $3,216 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $3,173 |
Assistant Coach | $3,167 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $3,149 |
Head Coach | $3,090 |
Licensed Substitute | $3,084 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $3,066 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $3,023 |
Head Coach | $3,014 |
Substitute Bus Driver | $2,999 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $2,993 |
Assistant Coach | $2,988 |
Licensed Substitute | $2,907 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $2,892 |
Substitute Bus Driver | $2,889 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $2,791 |
Licensed Substitute | $2,782 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $2,738 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $2,707 |
Pcac Instructor | $2,701 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $2,627 |
Assistant Coach | $2,621 |
Assistant Coach | $2,621 |
Assistant Coach | $2,601 |
Licensed Substitute | $2,588 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $2,577 |
Assistant Coach | $2,573 |
After-school Programs | $2,565 |
Assistant Coach | $2,558 |
Instructional/office Assistant | $2,519 |
Assistant Coach | $2,519 |
Assistant Coach | $2,509 |
After-school Programs | $2,454 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $2,432 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $2,372 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $2,367 |
Assistant Coach | $2,331 |
Assistant Coach | $2,331 |
Assistant Coach | $2,274 |
Assistant Coach | $2,274 |
Assistant Coach | $2,274 |
Assistant Coach | $2,274 |
Assistant Coach | $2,207 |
Licensed Substitute | $2,189 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $2,146 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $2,144 |
After-school Programs | $2,129 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $2,122 |
Licensed Substitute | $2,113 |
Licensed Substitute | $2,099 |
Assistant Coach | $2,091 |
Assistant Coach | $2,039 |
Assistant Coach | $2,039 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $2,017 |
Licensed Substitute | $2,014 |
Tutors; Readers | $1,999 |
Assistant Coach | $1,989 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $1,962 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $1,909 |
Licensed Substitute | $1,908 |
Tutors; Readers | $1,900 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $1,899 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $1,898 |
Assistant Coach | $1,882 |
Other Contract Services1 | $1,857 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,844 |
Water Aerobics Instructor | $1,842 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $1,830 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,826 |
Pcac Instructor | $1,807 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,805 |
After-school Programs | $1,781 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,774 |
School Bus Driver | $1,750 |
Licensed Substitute | $1,726 |
Head Coach | $1,722 |
Pcac Instructor | $1,710 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,694 |
Other Contract Services1 | $1,672 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $1,649 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $1,646 |
Other Contract Services1 | $1,615 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $1,615 |
Tutors; Readers | $1,606 |
Custodian | $1,599 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,594 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,590 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,546 |
Pcac Instructor | $1,522 |
Sub Bus Attendant | $1,516 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,494 |
Pcac Instructor | $1,488 |
Pcac Instructor | $1,482 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,471 |
Other Contract Services1 | $1,450 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,441 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,418 |
Other Contract Services1 | $1,410 |
Pcac Instructor | $1,368 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,365 |
Assistant Coach | $1,360 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $1,337 |
Assistant Coach | $1,325 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,319 |
Pcac Instructor | $1,317 |
Pcac Instructor | $1,311 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,307 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $1,285 |
Tutors; Readers | $1,263 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $1,255 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $1,242 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,219 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,144 |
Tutors; Readers | $1,136 |
Other Contract Services1 | $1,130 |
Tutors; Readers | $1,129 |
Assistant Coach | $1,103 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $1,102 |
Assistant Coach | $1,099 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $1,093 |
Tutors; Readers | $1,091 |
Tutors; Readers | $1,077 |
Licensed Substitute | $1,028 |
Assistant Coach | $995 |
Pcac Instructor | $984 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $977 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $967 |
Licensed Substitute | $956 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $934 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $927 |
Assistant Coach | $918 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $906 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $904 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $898 |
Licensed Substitute | $894 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $888 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $888 |
Tutors; Readers | $859 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $852 |
Pcac Instructor | $828 |
Other Contract Services1 | $807 |
Licensed Substitute | $805 |
Pcac Instructor | $802 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $801 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $801 |
Dual Immersion | $783 |
Licensed Substitute | $764 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $762 |
Tutors; Readers | $754 |
Food Service Sub | $746 |
Licensed Substitute | $746 |
Pcac Instructor | $744 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $737 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $735 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $732 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $714 |
Substitute Bus Driver | $705 |
Other Contract Services1 | $705 |
Other Contract Services1 | $705 |
Secretary | $654 |
Licensed Substitute | $653 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $647 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $641 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $639 |
Licensed Substitute | $620 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $607 |
Tutors; Readers | $605 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $600 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $583 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $576 |
Assistant Coach | $568 |
Tutors; Readers | $567 |
Other Contract Services1 | $565 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $561 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $549 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $541 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $538 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $538 |
Other Contract Services1 | $538 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $535 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $531 |
Licensed Substitute | $531 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $528 |
Licensed Substitute | $523 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $509 |
Pcac Instructor | $501 |
Licensed Substitute | $474 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $143 |
Tutors; Readers | $142 |
Pcac Instructor | $142 |
Licensed Substitute | $116 |
Tutors; Readers | $116 |
Pcac Instructor | $100 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $100 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $92 |
Tutors; Readers | $92 |
Tutors; Readers | $91 |
Pcac Coach (swim H20 Polo) | $88 |
Licensed Substitute | $86 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $81 |
Food Service Sub | $81 |
Licensed Substitute | $64 |
Community Ed; Adult Ed; Pto | $62 |
Kindergarten/early Childhood | $61 |
Licensed Substitute | $58 |
Tutors; Readers | $54 |
Pcac Lifeguard | $51 |
Licensed Substitute | $51 |
Pcac Instructor | $50 |
Non-licensed Substitute | $46 |
Tutors; Readers | $36 |
Instructional Assistant Ii | $28 |
Update (1/6/2017):
We received some feedback questioning the numbers above. Some government employees reported that Utah Right to Know numbers appeared inflated. We reached out to the State of Utah to better understand the numbers.
We added a new post called Accuracy of posted Park City teacher salaries that provides the State of Utah feedback and a description of why government employees may feel that numbers are inflated.
However, for clarity in this article, you should know that BENEFITS here include benefits that employees may not directly see in the form of cash. It may include money like FICA tax paid by the district, health care expenses paid by the district, etc. We believe that generally the Gross Compensation numbers are accurate per the numbers reported by the Park City School District to the State of Utah. This is the amount of money the school district is paying in a year for an employee. However, these numbers are made up of salary, benefits the employee sees, and benefits paid by the school district that the employee may not directly see.
Amazon charging tax in Utah as of January 1st
PSA… If you are going to buy something big from Amazon, you may want to consider buying it before the beginning of next year.
According to Fox 13, Amazon will begin charging sales tax in Utah as of January 1.
While legally, residents were supposed to pay this tax independently, this change forces the tax upon all Parkites.
So, if you’ve been holding out on a big purchase from Amazon, you may want to buy before January 1. That will save you about 7%.
$82,000 for art in the new Transit Center?
We were doing research after yesterday’s visit to the Kimball Junction Transit Center. We happened upon the following document on Summit County’s website.
It appears the County has agreed to pay up to $82,000 for artwork for the new Kimball Junction Transit Center. We freely admit that we are not art aficionados and we’ve have taken enough art classes throughout our lives to know that art is in the eye of the beholder. Still, eighty thousand dollars for art in a transit center seems over the top. So, what are they planning?
According to Park City Magazine, “Inside the transit center, riders are greeted by an interactive wall display made up of images informed by the viewer’s actions, captured and translated in real time by a movement sensor…Outside, transit riders will find a series of aluminum sculptures adorning the center’s six bus shelters.”
We suppose that all sounds great… again each to their own on art. Then the Park City Magazine article reminds us of why we are skeptical. It says, “When members of the Summit County Public Art Board decided two years ago to include a budget for a public art installation, their goal was to create a piece that would stimulate ridership on public transit.” They believe this $80,000 “investment” in art will stimulate ridership?
We’ve been to Moscow, where every subway station is an ornate piece of artwork. Did this encourage us to ride the train more often? No. We only road it if it was more convenient.
Will a combination of a projector, a screen, motion sensors, and some aluminum placards help fix our transportation issues? We suppose we won’t know until mid January when it is released. However, we would guess that long-term impacts are minimal.
$82,000 seems like a lot to spend on artwork for a transit center that few people will ever see.
$82,000 is a couple of teachers. $82,000 is a couple of bus drivers (or raises for the existing drivers). $82,000 is a lot of road repairs $82,000 is real money.
We don’t begrudge the art. We’re actually excited to see what they come up with as a part of this project (the technology sounds very interesting). However, the fact that the county is willing to spend eighty two grand for art at the transit center seems excessive.
It seems like money that could be spent in a much better way to solve our problems.
This is what you get for $3 million in Summit County?
Spurred by Tom Clyde’s great column in this week’s Park Record, I just had to visit the new Kimball Junction Transit Center. The Transit Center is the building and bus stop behind the library in Kimball Junction. While Tom had a number of good points about how many people will won’t use it, I have a fundamentally different question.
Is this all you get for three million dollars?
When you walk inside you see a smaller than expected room, with a lot of benches, 50 power outlets, a piano, and a couple of bathrooms. You’ll probably think to yourself, “this is smaller than my kitchen and living room.” It is true that there is a lot of concrete outside and there is a downstairs that the public can’t access. Maybe they are storing the county’s gold or something down there.
But heck, they got the most expensive part for free… the land.
After spending about 10 minutes and seeing no one, I left thinking one thing…
If this is what you get for $3 million, the school district better plan on $50 million for their field house and maybe $200 million for upgrades to the high school.
Just crazy.