Is the School Board Acting Like a Dictatorship?
A friend of the Park Rag emailed in reference to the idea that the Park City School District will move forward with rebuilding schools even if the public votes down the bond. The person described the district as a DICTATORSHIP and asked what I thought.
I definitely think the term dictatorship is too strong and in this case is not right. The School Board is an elected body, and every few years we the citizens have the right to decide who represents us. That said, the school rebuilding decision is one of the most important decisions our school board will make. Perhaps even bigger will be choosing the next school superintendent (since it impacts actual education). It is likely that the school board will be picking a replacement for Dr Ember Conley in the next few years (average tenure is 4 years). So, the members of the school board matter both today and tomorrow.
Instead of using terms like dictator, I’d advise spending time on figuring out whether your school board members represent your views. If we are to believe the “message” that when we go to the polls this November and vote for/against a bond to transform Park City schools, that we aren’t voting on the plan, we are voting how to pay for it, then that makes the selection of Park City School Board members all that more important. If the main say we have as citizens is just in casting ballots for members every few years, we’d better pick wisely.
Please don’t take me wrong. This isn’t a call for getting rid of school board members. However, it is a call to ask you to both understand whether you’ve liked the process used to transform our schools to date (i.e. you’d be happy if the same process was followed going forward) and to keep track of the outcome of the school rebuild. You may really like how the school rebuilding has been handled to date and you may really like how it all works out. Then I’d use that information to base your choices in the 2016 election (next year). If you aren’t as happy, I’d remember that too.
Keep in mind that the rebuild was a unanimous decision. So, if you’re happy you’ll want to factor that into your decision in November 2016 for incumbents (Tania Knauer, Philip Kaplan, and Nancy Garrison) that may choose to run again. Likewise, if you are unhappy, you should remember that too.
Either way, calling people names doesn’t do much — especially when you throw around terms like dictator. In reality, democracy can be a pretty powerful weapon.
Does Your Vote For Or Against the Park City School Bond Matter?
Over the weekend, I received a number of emails regarding an interview on KPCW on Friday. KPCW’s Leslie Thatcher was interviewing Park City City Council member Tim Henney. Ms Thatcher asked Mr Henney about public comment received during Thursday’s meeting from citizen Bill Humbert. It appears Mr Humbert was concerned that Park City was participating with the School District in what was referred to as “bullying.” In this case, it appears the bullying charge is based around telling citizens that if they don’t pass a $55 million bond for rebuilding schools, the School Board will significantly raise taxes on citizens and go forward with their school-rebuilding plans anyhow.
During the interview Mr Henney responded to a question from Ms. Thatcher about Mr Humbert’s statement:
Effectively Mr Henney is saying that the school district is going to spend $65 million on schools, whether the people pass a bond or not and any vote is really just about how it will be paid for. When I heard this live on Friday, I didn’t quite believe it, but I also know that while Mr Henney is well connected, he does not officially speak for the school board. So, I reached out to a school board member for comment. Her response was:
The problem, from a citizen’s perspective, is that many of us view a bond election, regardless of what Mr Henney says, as a referendum on the idea. We have no other recourse. Some may argue that, in the case of the school initiative, citizens could have expressed their dissatisfaction throughout the process. Yet, you have to question whether it would have made any difference, since the school board didn’t even go with the recommendation from its own master planning committee.
Let’s look at some examples… for instance, say you were financially conservative and felt that only Treasure Mountain Junior High should have been rebuilt (for about $20 million) but disliked the rest of the plan, and you expressed that to the school board. Would it have made any difference? Perhaps you wanted to keep the middle school in the city boundaries (instead of moving it to Ecker) because you felt it made Park City a better place to live. Would they have listened to you and changed their minds? Wait, someone did make that argument — and no it doesn’t appear that was heard.
So what’s a citizen’s recourse when they had strong opinions, voiced them, and it made little difference?
You also have to account for the vast majority of our population who haven’t been following this at all. Sure, there have been editorials from school representative in the Park Record, but did they end a statement like, ” if you don’t like what you are reading right now, you better come tell us because once we make up our mind, you are going to pay for whatever we decide upon.”? Of course not.
Finally, we don’t even know what the specific plans are. The school district has formed subcommittees to discuss ideas like the changes to Kearns campus. This includes everything from which direction to expand the high school, to where the football field should be placed, to whether there should be a field house. Also, don’t forget the plans presented at an August 5th School Board meeting showed a PC CAPS addition to the high school. People vehemently fought a separate PC CAPS building last year. Is the PC CAPS area part of this plan? If not, why was it shown? If so, why didn’t the public have a chance to speak on it when apparently it was their only chance to provide an opinion?
I also think to previous bond offerings like the Basin Rec ‘s $25 million bond last year. Did they ever say anything, like “If the public votes this down, they aren’t voting against our idea, they are voting about financing. If they vote this down, we’ll just tax them instead.” No! That would sound crazy. I’m not sure why this school bond process doesn’t sound as crazy to most people. Perhaps it does.
The issue going forward, is that if all of our local governments view things this way (and it appears the schools and at least one member of the city does), you need to start fighting every bond initiative years out, even if you ultimately end up agreeing with the general concept (just to make sure you really have a say). Next year, there will likely be a transportation bond from Summit County on the ballot. You need to go to this week’s Summit County council meeting and tell them that you don’t want that transportation bond in 2016. They’ll look at you like you have two heads. They’ll say, “We don’t know that we are going to even have a bond or what’d even be in there. Aren’t you a little early?” You can respond that you still don’t know what is being planned for the school rebuilding, but that didn’t stop that plan from being passed. They’ll still look at you like your crazy.
Yet, it appears that’s what we the citizens have been reduced to, you’re crazy (and damned) if you do and you’re crazy (and damned) if you don’t. I still don’t know if it’s enough for a majority of the people to call the school district’s “bluff” and make them raise taxes for something that was voted down. I’d guess not. I still think the measure will pass, but we are definitely edging closer and closer to that line where people vote no, call the district’s buff, and press the reset button on this school rebuild.
Another Awesome Autumn Aloft
I can’t say enough great things about Autumn Aloft, the balloon-fest that was resurrected last year near Treasure Mountain Junior High. This year’s event took place this past weekend, and it appears even more people attended this year’s event than last year.
It’s a great, family friendly way to spend a weekend morning during the fall.
A big thanks to everyone who helped put it on.
Should Park City and Summit County Hire a “Mountain Accord Czar”
Many of you suspect I’m probably a tea party republican hiding out on the outskirts of Park City. To be truthful, I’m more of a middle of the road sort of guy. On the right you may call me a Moderate Republican. On the left you might call be a Blue Dog Democrat. Either way, it means I’m fiscally conservative.
Yet, as I’ve continued to write on the Mountain Accord, it makes me wonder if Park City and Summit County should actually spend a little more money.
Currently, our local governments’ representatives on the Mountain Accord are Andy Beerman and Chris Robinson. I’ve not always agreed with their stances but I would say they’ve done a decent job representing us on the Accord. With all the varying opinions, it can’t be easy.
Yet, the job seems almost bigger than just a portion of a council member’s time. The implications of Mountain Accord decisions not only impact local jurisdictions but are also as wide ranging as the Olympics. It could impact transportation along I-80, 248, and 224 for years to come. From what I’ve heard (off the record) it is taking a decent amount of city/county personnel time to keep on top of what is happening, as well. It also seems, according to media publications, that other players within the process are very powerful.
How can we expect part time players, no matter how good they are, to achieve the optimal outcome? We have people in a number of niche departments, why not add another under City Manager Diane Foster and County Manager Tom Fisher?
Should we have a Mountain Accord Czar?
By doing this, we could at least track the amount of time and money spent on the Mountain Accord endeavor.
Mountain Accord… It Only Seems to Gets Worse
I have often thought of this quote from the movie The Godfather when thinking about Mountain Accord and the people involved. Mountain Accord is a “process” by which leaders from across the region are officially working together to “preserve the Wasatch” but in reality each “partner” has different motives. Some groups cooperate because they think there will be something in it for them. Some groups cooperate because they’ve had few successes and this is the next-best chance to try and find at least a little something. Some groups are worried that if they don’t cooperate they may may be handed their hat — or worse.
Whenever someone says, “we must keep a seat at the Mountain Accord table,” which they say often, I think of the mafia. “If you don’t keep a seat at the table, you never know when your __________ will be cut off.”
Yet, I’ve never felt so strong an opinion about the Mountain Accord as when I read an article from the Cottonwood Holladay Journal. Many of us in Park City have been concerned with Mountain Accord and its proposed tunnel through Big Cottonwood to PCMR. Yet, that’s where our outrage stopped. The tunnel was put on hold and WE FELT GOOD (mission accomplished). Yet, as history has taught us, the battle often continues to rage. The problem is that while we think it doesn’t affect us, the battle will eventually come back to our front door. Such is the likely case with Mountain Accord.
Let’s begin with a quote from the Cottonwood Holladay Journal (CWHJ):
“Twenty business owners and concerned citizens, telling members of the media (at least four major news outlets were in attendance) that officers in Cottonwood Heights Police Department were ordered to specifically target customers of the Canyon Inn. This was done in an effort to put them out of business, to make way for the new development project.”
What new development is the article referring to? That would be the alleged development of two hotels and TRANSIT CENTER centrally located to the proposed route of a train that would take visitors up Little Cottonwood Canyon, which is a proposed concept under the Mountain Accord. According to the article, who is allegedly one of the developers of this land? Wayne Niederhauser, both a member of the Utah State Senate and an Executive Member of Mountain Accord. He is not only an Executive Member of the Mountain Accord and a Senator, but he was responsible for asking the Utah State Legislature to fund the Mountain Accord in 2015.
So, it seems a member of the Utah Legislature has been instrumental in getting funding for a project that may eventually include a train up Little Cottonwood Canyon. Meanwhile, he is reportedly a developer for a project that allegedly appears (according a source from the CWHJ article) to be trying to use a local city police force to influence people to stop frequenting local businesses that are on the land wanted for development, thus trying to put said businesses under. If these businesses were to fold, it may enable a transit center and hotels to be built that would further the developer’s cause. This would then likely make this location central to transit for people coming from the airport (or wanting to stay near to light rail).
I should note that the CWJH article says that “Kelvyn Cullimore, Mayor of Cottonwood Heights, has denied any wrongdoing, and has called Jim Stojack [Canyon Inn owner] a ‘rabble rouser.’ Cullimore has said that his intentions have ‘always and only been to help small business owners and the community of Cottonwood Heights by keeping the roads safe.'”
OK, you’re in Park City. Why do you care about what happens at the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon (besides potentially missing out on Porcupine’s delicious Wahso Fish Tacos)? The problem is that, if true, it shows the lengths at which influential people may go to get what they want.
Furthermore, by our governments saying “let’s keep a seat at the table” on Mountain Accord, it appears we are turning a blind eye to what may really be happening. We are saying that we need to stay involved so that someone may fund a transportation study for Summit County someday while businesses, according to CWHJ, are getting pushed out for some developer’s gain.
That isn’t right. That’s not who we should be. That’s not who we are.
If Mountain Accord really has Executive Committee Members profiting from their role at other business’ expense, we need to say enough is enough. We need to stand up for ourselves and contain the issue while we can. We need to do whatever we can to make sure Mountain Accord does not impact us negatively at some developer(s) expense.
To be fair, I’d only heard vague accusations about this issue until this CWHJ article was published. I have no proof of any wrong doing other than what was stated there. Yet, sometimes you have to take a step back and ask if we should be involved in the Mountain Accord process at all. At some point it just becomes a mess that isn’t worth the time and distraction.
The problem, when you are dealing with the “mafia”, is that you don’t know if you have something they want, until it’s too late. It’s not too hard to envision Park City being something somebody wants.
If you have time this weekend, I would encourage you to read the full article from the Cottonwood Holladay Journal and form your own opinion.
Me and My Mutt are Finally Legal in Summit County
If you are a dog owner like I am, you may occasionally run afoul of the law. I know, your dog, just like mine, is “perfect.” Your dog would never harm anyone. Your dog generally follows your commands. Everyone loves your dog.
So, much like me, you let your canine companion run off leash. On occasion, things happen. Your dog wanders in front of a cyclist on a trail and causes them to slow down; not cool because you are breaking the law. Your dog approaches someone who obviously doesn’t like dogs; again not cool because who wants to scare someone and make them feel uncomfortable. Your dog approaches a small child and licks them; still not cool because we are breaking the law (and terrifying the average park city parent). Yet, if you are like me, you may justify the encounter and say “it won’t happen again” or “no harm… no foul” or “crap, I got lucky that time.”
Yet, we know it still isn’t right (and is against the law for many good reasons).
Recently, I decided to side with the good guys and follow the law but it hasn’t impacted my dog walks whatsoever. One of the ingenious things about Summit County is that they seem to understand that many of us treat our dogs on par with children. We want to bring them everywhere and have a special relationship with them. Heck, one member of the community bought a coffee shop and named it after her dog. Yet, that doesn’t negate responsibility. How do county rules marry responsibility with freedom?
The electronic dog collar.
County dog ordinances state, “A dog shall be considered under restraint of the owner and therefore not “at large” when: The dog is under the control of its owner through the use of an electronic dog collar, provided that the owner maintains voice and sight control as outlined in subsection B of this section and carries a physical leash or lead with them at all times”
In my case this works perfectly for my 16 year old mutt that is nearly deaf. In her prime, I could whistle and she would come running, no matter what was happening. Yet, I was struggling because that whistle isn’t heard like it used to be. Now the electronic dog collar, with a simple buzz (I’ve never used anything more than vibration) gets her attention and she comes running again.
It’s required a little work (I suppose many would call it training but I would call it working together) to make sure she associates the buzz with the old-school whistle. A few days in and now I am both doing the right thing and following the law. Best of all, she comes every time I call.
The great thing is that these devices aren’t expensive. I was expecting to pay a few hundred dollars but it cost less than $45 and works great. There are many different models from different companies, but this is the one I got. Of course, to follow rules I also carry a small leash.
The downside that many people will cite is the cruelty of a shock associated with electronic collars. I completely agree with that. Most electronic collars have some sort of “shock” function associated with the collar. I made sure that I tested the shock-option on myself, first, to see how it felt. Even the lowest level felt like sticking my finger in some sort of socket. So, I’ll be sticking with the pure vibration mode unless something really unexpected happens. I would recommend finding a collar that either provides an option for an audible beep or vibration. That way 99.99999% of the time, you are just getting your best friend’s attention and not jamming their neck into an electrical outlet.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t say that electronic collars aren’t for every dog. They are not for aggressive dogs. The literature that came with my collar specified that in detail and I completely agree. A dog that shows any aggression should always be physically leashed when in the potential company of others. It’s also not a turnkey solution. Even my “perfect” dog needed some time to associate a vibration on her neck with the old whistle. I’m sure there are trainers who can help in almost any situation, but my old gal “got it” pretty quickly.
So, you may want to consider the electronic leash (along with carrying another leash). In the right circumstance, with the right dog, I think you’ll find it not only enables you to comply with the law but makes for a better experience with your best friend.
You May Want to Consider iPhone Ad Blocking (and Its Impact on Local Media)
On Wednesday, Apple released version 9 of its IOS software. Most of the updates are under the hood with one notable exception, the ability to block ads on your iPhone (iPhone 5S and later). Why would you want to do this? In general it speeds up browsing, you often use less data from your mobile plan, and it can make many websites easier to use.
In order to block ads you have to download an ad blocking application and then activate it in your iPhone Settings. I tried this process, and found that it made browsing the web much better on my iPhone. That also means many ads on local media like the Park Record and KPCW will probably be blocked.
The good news for KPCW is that they don’t really have traditional ads, so it appears there shouldn’t be much impact on their website/revenue. However, Park Record’s website (both their mobile version and desktop version on mobile) had all ads stripped. From a user experience, I found it much more appealing. I didn’t have to wait for that incessant ad about a home auction that continually popped up before and it freed up space at the bottom of the screen. From a Park Record perspective, this will lead to a drop in ad views. I have no idea how big this market is for them, but it’s likely many people only access Park Record through their iPhone.
My experience is that if you do like to browse Park Record from your iPhone, you’ll want to pick an ad-blocker wisely. I tried two of the top ranked content blockers, Crystal and Peace. Crystal is a free option, but the Park Record mobile website breaks when you try to view a specific article. Peace costs a few dollars but works perfectly with
The other thing to mention is the ethics of using an ad blocker. Park Record employs reporters that obviously get paid to do what they do. Any impact to revenue can impact their ability to do their job and provide reporting about Park City. So, you may want to consider spending the $50 a year to subscribe, in order to continue supporting them.
So far, I really like blocking ads. I probably won’t go back to browsing the web without it. Those people who have recent iPhones may want to give an ad blocker a try.
So You Are Running for Park City City Council or Perhaps You Are Floating a Bond… Here is Some Signage Advice.
Each election cycle, signs for candidates and initiatives pop up across Park City and the Basin. It’s like an infestation of thistle that invades the public right of way. Of course, many of these signs are placed illegally. According to Summit County rules, political signs can’t be in the public right of way (at least it was during the last election per the Summit County Campaign website). But we’ll leave that in the domain of unenforced rules like general sign laws in Summit County.
With that in mind. If you are going to break the law in pursuit of political success, you might as well do it right.
This is one of the best articles I’ve read on constructing the right political sign.
How Signs Help Motorists and Cyclists Get Along
If you care about the interaction of cyclists and motorists, of which we have many of both around Park City, this New York Magazine article may be interesting to you. It seems that a study (albeit online) seems to indicate that the choice of wording on signs, greatly influences interactions between different groups on the roads. For instance, many locales will have signs saying “Share the Road” trying to indicate that bikes and cars should coexist on our roadways. They don’t seem to achieve good results. However, instead saying, “Bicycles May Use Full Lane” yields superior results.
Studies like this point to interesting ideas how to make our interactions better everywhere form ski slopes, to trails, to roads.
If you are interested, here is the article.