Summit County Council Discussions on Mountain Accord
If you want to know where all your Summit County Council members stand on the Mountain Accord, it doesn’t get better than this 50 minute video. If there was a vote today on the Mountain Accord, we’re pretty sure it would be 3-2… we just don’t which side has the 3.
Save Our Canyons Take on the Mountain Accord Thus Far
A Friend of the Park Rag sent us a link to a post by Carl Fisher of Save Our Canyons, regarding Mountain Accord. Save Our Canyons is an outspoken group on many things, including development in the Wasatch. Their post highlights their thought process on the matter and asks for input from the public
We’ve reproduced their post here, because their website is down.
February 3, 2015 · by aschmidtsoc
For the past seven weeks, Save Our Canyons has been engaged in a negotiation to figure out our future participation in the Mountain Accord process. As I listened to discussions at our Board Retreat in November, I began to realize there was little, if any good, coming out of the Mountain Accord process especially for the environment, our water, but also for the many dispersed recreational interest that connect so many of us to this unique mountain mecca. Despite overwhelming opposition to a train and tunnels in our mountains from system groups (there was not majority support these ideas) and also for pushing ski area expansion and “One Wasatch.” I questioned, why are we still participating and began evaluating our options: I came up with two…
Leave the process because it was doing more harm than good.
Strive to make the process do more good (or at least include some good) than harm.
After numerous conversations with the SOC board and our partners with whom we represent on the Mountain Accord, I decided to give option #2 a shot, full well knowing that #1 could be an option down the road. The premise for me as I thought is, one of the greatest threats to this landscape, particularly the Central Wasatch, as I’ve found over the years is uncertainty. If we can remove this uncertainty, or significantly reduce it, we have a unique opportunity to remove the threats to the Wasatch. Over the years, the most threatened and volitile areas of the Wasatch reside on the lands owned by the ski resorts – Mount Superior threatened with subdivisions and roller coasters, Flagstaff by ski area expansion under the guise of avalanche control, Grizzly Gulch by One Wasatch, Silver Fork by resort expansion, Guardsman Pass by One Wasatch and the threat of year round vehicle access. Is there a way to put these increasingly creative threats to bed once and for all? The short answer is yes… but for what in exchange.
Before you read any further, the Mountain Accord is a public process and we want your input on how to move forward! Click here to view the Mountain Accord “Booklet” and 2 page summary of the Cottonwood Canyon Task Force negotiations then visit to submit your concerns, ideas and feelings about the future of the Wasatch.
We engaged with the Mountain Accord, the Cottonwood Ski areas, and elected officials to see if there was a willingness to negotiate the transfer of lands owned by resorts. All agreed to try, so in mid-December convened by a facilitator from the Mountain Accord, representatives from the USFS, Snowbird, Solitude, Brighton, Alta, Town of Alta, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, the Outdoor Industry, and Save Our Canyons sat down for our first of four negotiations of what will go down in history of being called the Cottonwood Canyons Task Force.
While brevity is not my strength (context is important), I will attempt to summarize the negotiations, some 20 hrs of meetings over six weeks. First, the entire negotiation was predicated upon a rail and tunnels between Little Cottonwood and Big Cottonwood. This is how it was framed – go big, get big. Resorts want efficient, reliable, convenient and safe transportation and they believe that rail best for this. We disagree, but sweeping conservation gains of resort owned lands were not going to happen if buses were the option. Too, resorts want connectivity. This can happen over the snow and ridges in form of lifts (a la One Wasatch) or through the mountain via tunnel with fixed guideway… though rail has a WOW factor attractive to resorts. We, and by we I mean a host of conservation and recreation orgnizations and our members, have little if any interest in seeing trains in the canyons, however we also have little interest in seeing more development outside resort boundaries, One Wasatch and the other aforementioned (and yet to be dreamed) schemes to exploit the Wasatch.
Resorts also want more development to accomodate the influx of visitation they project they will see with the projected population growth in the region. Today, this development pattern, which some would characterize as “mountain sprawl,” is undesirable. However, with modifications of the ownership patterns we could cluster development to protect key recreation access points, vantange points, connectivity corridors and ultimately our watersheds. Some resort expansion is also requested as part of this. Snowbird further into Mineral Basin and Mary Ellen Gulch, Solitude a bit into Silver Fork, and Brighton into Hidden Canyon. With the exeception of Snowbird, Solitude and Brighton’s request are minor boundary adjustments bringing areas already used heavily by resort skiers into the ski area boundary.
The crux of the whole effort has been, their request for a train, 100 or so acres of base development and expansion into Mt. Wolverine/Mt. Tuscarora/Catherine Pass area. This point has yet to be resolved because of significant resistance particularly from SOC, and the Outdoor Industry represented by Peter Metcalf. As put by SOC co-founder and Wasatch Tours author, Alexis Kelner in Volume 2 of Wasatch Tours describing Tuscarora/Wolverine/Catherine Pass, “This tour was more appealing before ski lifts were thrust into Albion Basin, but the spectacular scenery compensates (somewhat) for the commercial intrusion. The Catherine Pass trail is the most popular route between Alta and Brighton in both summer and winter.” Alexis also noted, looking into his futuristic snow globe, that this area should be noted as “End. (Endangered) a notation used to warn tourers that an area has high potential for being absorbed into a commerical ski area opertation. Fair to say that expansion into this area in our opinion will jeopardize the whole negotiation.
So, what is the up shot in all this? Over 2,000 acres of land owned by ski resorts including areas like the Pink Pine ridge, Mt. Superior, Flagstaff, Days Fork, upper Silver Fork, Davenport Hill, Grizzly Gulch and Guardsman Pass area going into permanent protection (like Wilderness or National Monument) forever removing the threat of development. This of course is in addition to additional protection on other areas as we’ve proposed in the past. Over the years, to use Alexis’s terminology, its been common practice to add “End.” or “R.I.P.” to some of our favorite places in the Wasatch. It has not been very often, however, to remove those notations. This effort allows that opportunity. Time for another edition of Wasatch Tours, Alexis!
No doubt this effort will go down in history – my expectation is that it goes down in history along side the protection of Yellowstone and Yosemite, not like Echo Park, which sacrificed Glen Canyon to protect Dinosaur’s Echo Park, and the Yampa and Green Rivers. A unique and spectacular landscape for sure, but worth drownding the Glen and choking the Grand Canyon? We’ve worked to shape this outcome, now we need YOU to help us understand whether or not it is a good deal. The train and additional development are certainly undesirable, but the lure of conservation of valued private lands in the Central Wasatch is attractive. Send us your thoughts, make sure the Mountain Accord gets them too. The comment period begins Feb. 4. There will be more info part of this than what we’ve presented here.
Please let us know your thoughts, we tried our best through this process, but the ultimate protection of the Wasatch lies in the opinions of our community and validation of the ideas that we’ve carefully advocated for to better the Wasatch for today, and for tomorrow.
This is critical, we need your voice now!
In conservation,
Mountain Accord Q&A Session in Park City
Below is the Q&A session from Mountain Accord Meeting at Park City High School. It provides a good overview of the types of questions citizens have about the process and the way Mountain Accord is attempting to answer those questions.
Summit County Council Meeting on Mountain Accord
We live blogged the Summit County Council Meeting on Mountain Accord. You should get a good feel for how various members of your County Council feel about the topic.
Please forgive any spelling mistakes. The meeting moved pretty quickly. In some cases below you’ll see just the first names of council members. For clarity, Roger is Roger Armstrong, Kim is Kim Carson, Dave is Dave Ure, Chris is Chris Robinson, Claudia is Claudia McMullin.
Rail up Parley’s? Maybe we were too cynical.
We received an email from a Friend of the Park Rag regarding our earlier article on a rail up Parley’s Canyon. We had said that County Council Member Chris Robinson’s explanation of the route being owned by the federal government, and the fact that it wasn’t at capacity, made sense why we shouldn’t expect light rail from the airport to Park City.
Our Friend replied:
If people want to dream of rail through the mountains we might as well dream of rail over the mountains. What’s the harm? As Daniel Burnham said:
Touche’. Perhaps we are too cynical. More importantly, we fear we are sounding too much like our father.
So, here’s to you. Our Dreamer. We hope you are right.
Our Made Up Conspiracy Theory of Why We Are Still Part of the Mountain Accord
Last night’s Mountain Accord Q&A was informative. There were a couple of statements made by Andy Beerman and Chris Robinson that made issues clearer. An audience member, we think his name was Clay, asked if Andy Beerman (Park City City Council) and Chris Robinson (Summit County Council) would go back to their respective councils and ensure there wasn’t a train between Brighton and Park City. We are paraphrasing Mr Beerman and Mr Robinson but the response was something like, “We can’t commit to that. It’s on the menu of options but it wouldn’t be our first choice. There will be discussions between now and April. However, by being on Mountain Accord we protect ourselves.”
While we at the Park Rag try not to be completely crazy, we never want to let a good conspiracy theory go to waste. With that in mind, we wish Clay’s question and Andy’s response would have gone something like this:
Clay: Andy Beerman, is Park City going to continue with the Mountain Accord?
Laynee Jones (Mountain Accord Consultant): You don’t have to answer that.
Andy Beerman: I’ll answer the question!
Andy Beerman: You want answers?
Clay: I think I’m entitled to them.
Andy Beerman: You want answers!?!
Clay: I want the truth!
Andy Beerman: You can’t handle the truth!
[pause]Andy Beerman: Son, we live in a world with powerful people, and those people have to be placated by other men with power. Who’s gonna do it? You Clay? You, Chris Hague? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for the mountains, and you curse the light rail. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That the Mountain Accord, while tragic, probably saves Park City. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves Summit County too. You don’t want the truth because deep down in places you don’t talk about at Rotary Club, you want me on that Accord, you need me on that Accord. We use words like planning, protection, preservation. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the transportation system that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a pick axe and build a tunnel. Either way, I don’t give a damn what you think you are entitled to.
Why There Won’t Be A Train Going up Parley’s Any Time Soon
During Tuesday’s Mountain Accord Q&A, Summit County Council Member Chris Robinson provided a succinct explanation to why there won’t be a train heading from the airport to Park City anytime soon. Mr Robinson explained that the route was owned by the Federal Highway Administration (FHA). He said the FHA first looks at the time it takes to travel between two points via car (i.e. the airport and Park City) and then decides whether an alternative is faster. This is typically based on traffic causing the route to slow.
He then explained that I-80 was nowhere near capacity. He was effectively saying that right now nothing would be as fast as a car and therefore the FHA wouldn’t explore alternatives.
We aren’t sure anyone heard him during the meeting. At least three people referenced rail between the airport and Park City after his comment. That said, Mr Robinson’s explanation makes sense to us.
Also, the fact that it would cost $3 billion to build, means that idea is a non-starter.
Mountain Accord Live Blog
We live blogged Tuesday night’s Mountain Accord meeting at PCHS…Please forgive the typos. The meeting moved pretty quickly.
Water is Our Most Valuable Resource
As the Mountain Accord plays itself out, one of the areas to pay attention to is the proposed “Land Swap” between the private parties, governments, and the ski resorts. With this part of the proposal:
“The four Cottonwood Canyon Ski Areas, local and federal government partners, and conservation and outdoor interests would partner to preserve, for public benefit, about 2,150 acres of Ski-Area owned lands in the Cottonwood Canyons. At the headwaters of Little Cottonwood Canyon, preserved lands would include the areas of Mt. Superior, Flagstaff, Emma Ridge, Grizzly Gulch (under consideration), and White Pine. At the headwaters of Big Cottonwood Canyon, the preserved lands would include Ski Area holdings in the Guardsman Pass, Cardiff/Days Fork, and Hidden Canyon areas.”
In exchange for doing this, the ski resorts get:
- Station stops on a mountain-rail system which would provide reliable, fast, unique, and marketable transit to the resorts and to major dispersed recreation access points. The canyon road would still be open to vehicular traffic.
- Approximately 258 acres for base-area management and future development (with new culinary water for up to 108 units at Alta) to support activity at transit stops.
- Additional water for snowmaking.
- Ski permit boundary expansions of 210 acres (140 in Hidden Canyon, 70 in lower Silver Fork).
- Approximately 416 acres in American Fork Canyon.
While there may be other issues of concern here, from an environmental perspective we are concerned with #3. One of the stated environmental benefits of the Mountain Accord is protecting watersheds. However, we wonder how much additional water the resorts will receive. NASA has stated there is an 80% likelihood of a Mega Drought in the West and Central US in the next 50 years. That would be a drought lasting longer than 10 years.
We like the idea protecting our watersheds. However, when push comes to shove, there isn’t enough water for residents, and water restrictions become the norm we don’t like the idea of resorts taking even more water. It seems foolish to trade what is likely our most valuable resource (water) and trade it so we can get more people to ski Alta.