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Park City School Board will be voting today on renewing the Superintendent’s contract

In today’s school board meeting, it appears that the board will decide whether to renew superintendent Dr. Jill Gildea’s contract. This will be a two-year extension on top of the existing contract, which runs through next June.

I have argued that the current school board should not vote to renew Dr. Gidlea’s contract. With three members of the current board not running for reelection, it should be left to the 2025 board to decide whether they want to continue working with the superintendent. If the current board renews her contract and the future board decides to terminate Dr. Gildea’s relationship with PCSD, it will cost taxpayers over $250,000.

If you have an opinion on this issue, I would encourage you to write to the school board immediately. The board can be emailed at:


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