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Price of Water Going Up

I opened a letter from Summit Water Distribution yesterday. It was the standard annual shareholder’s letter I get every year. Yet this year, hidden in envelope, was a trojan horse — a notice from the water company that prices were going up 20% per year. This could mean an increase of $11-$18 per month. I understand that water is getting more expensive generally (nationwide it rose 6% this year on average) but any increase over $10 a month is real money — or as I like to call it — a subscription to Netflix or HBO.

It made me start to think back to the increases we’ve seen over the past few years. If you recall, Summit County increased Snyderville Basin residents’ taxes by about $10 per month in 2012. The School District also raised taxes by about $9 per month in 2012 and raised them $2 dollars more in 2014. Last year Basin Rec put forth a bond that raised taxes by $10 per month. Now it looks like water will be about $15 more per month. Then in November it is likely the School Board will ask voters to vote on a big bond that could raise taxes $10-$20 more per month.

While none of these changes by themselves sounds bad, you start to add it up, and it’s $50 per month. You can do a lot with that kind of money.



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