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Have questions about the proposed sales tax and it use for fixing area transportation?

Tonight the Summit County Council is holding a public hearing at 6PM to take public comment on the proposed .5% sales tax increase (really two .25% sales taxes) to fund areas designed to improve transportation. The hearing is at the Richins Building (the library in Kimball Junction). If you can make it, it’s a great opportunity to both get your questions answered and hear what other citizens are concerned with.

If you can’t make it, feel free to post a comment here with questions or email us at . We’ll do our best to ask your questions tonight. It may not be possible to ask every question (time is limited), but we’ll do our best.


We received an email from County Manager Tom Fisher reminding us that staff will also be available before the meeting (from 3:00 to 5:30 in Room 133 of the Richins building) to answer any questions. From our experience, the staff are the people who can get into the nitty gritty . While the County Council are there to listen, and there will be staff in the audience during the public hearing who probably could answer questions, if you can ask one on one questions with staff members, you’ll likely get a more thorough response. So, if you have the time, and have questions, showing up during the pre-meeting wouldn’t be a bad decision.


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