The Dakota Pacific Nuclear Option
There is a way to win against Dakota Pacific. We just probably don’t have the chutzpah to make it happen. I realized this when I was at my child’s dentist in Kimball Junction. Dakota Pacific owned the building.
Dakota Pacific doesn’t care about you, and they sure as hell don’t care about me. However, they do care about their tenants. They ARE a real-estate company at heart. They want to make money. Would my kids’ dentist move his business? If people boycotted businesses in Dakota Pacific facilities, would those businesses force Dakota Pacific to stand down?
If Park City real-estate agents would never sell anything at the Tech Park, would Dakota Pacific stand down? If locals would agree to never set foot at any future businesses that operate in the Tech Park, would DP change their minds? If locals told the Legislature to stop meddling or their beloved 2034 Olympics will have no Park City Volunteers or support, would the Legislature let Dakota Pacific know the jig is up?
I realize this is easy for me to say. I don’t sell real estate. I don’t have a business in a Dakota Pacific property. My life isn’t based on tourism. I don’t have to make many sacrifices.
Yet, I wonder… what if?
If only we would. If only we could.
Maybe the nuclear option is the only way out, but I doubt we as a community are willing to do that.
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