The highest percentage of coronavirus cases in Utah are in the 25-44 year-old range.
Statistics on the coronavirus show that the elderly are the most likely to die from the virus. However, that doesn’t mean that younger people don’t get the virus and become sick or pass it on to those that might.
Each day the state of Utah provides updated stats on the impacts. Two of the most interesting are the demographics table and the chart of number of cases versus those tested.
The demographics table below shows that the 25-44 year-old Utahns have the highest percentage of known-infections in the state. That’s followed by 45-64 year-olds. It also shows the rate per 100,000 people in Utah. That allows us to account for the percentage of people by age group. In that case, 45-64 are the most afflicted age group.
The other chart I find interesting is the number of people testing positive and negative each day for coronavirus. For instance today I read that the state of Utah only had 75 people test positive for the virus (compared to the mid 100’s days before). Hooray. Then I looked at the number of people tested. Why is it down so much? Do fewer people get tests on Sunday? Did people leave for Spring Break (even though they are not supposed to)? Are fewer people feeling bad, so they don’t get tested? What I hope to see someday is a huge umber of people tested and a very few number of people testing positive.
If you enjoy this data, it is available at It is updated at around 1 PM each day.
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