Think about keeping Park City slow
It’s been a weird couple of months. But I have to ask the question…
Do you want to get back to what Park City was before?
Traffic. People. Crowds. Anger.
I know that many people made a business off of what it was.
However, the question I have is whether we collectively want to go back if we could.
Do you want 10,000+ people from SLC coming up for July 4th? Do you want the Silly Market if it crowds our town? Do you want both winters and summers packed wall to wall?
Yes, I understand that the concept of “the Park City Lifestyle” is thanks to others.
Yet, as a local, I am not sure I want to go back to it. There are plusses and minuses but we don’t have to go back. It’s our choice. It’s our future.
It may be time for Park City’s next phase.
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