Vail is desperately stupid in Park City
This imagery from KPCW is the funniest thing I have seen in weeks. Mountains. Check. Well-dressed CEO posing on a multi-million dollar deck. Check. A couple of dollars for employees. Check.
Yes, Vail employees, if you will work until the last day, whether there is snow or not, and if we continue to employ you, you will get $2 per hour more.
Did the ski patrollers not get this memo?
I’m sure it will change their minds.
It represents much of what is wrong with Park City today.

While I selfishly hate the idea of a strike (I dis-enjoy winter enough as it is, but a winter without skiing is incomprehensible), I fully support the patrollers. Heck, given what all non-salaried employees have had to deal with this year, they all deserve a massive bonus—I’d be in favor of all of that 42% increase in season pass sales be distributed to non-salaried employees (after accounting for the pass price reduction, etc).
It would be rough on the community, and especially on the non-salaried employees, but I think I’d like to see the patrollers call Vail’s bluff and strike.
Of course, I say this as an executive who doesn’t have to worry about living paycheck to paycheck, so it’s probably disingenuous of me. But those non-salaried employees deserve to be treated so much better than they are—without them, there is no ski season.
I’d say $25 an hour to start would begin to approach fairness for a position that requires a lot of specific skills and responsibility, as well as medical training.
I think they should strike. Taco Bell in Kimball is advertising $17 an hour. A $2 raise is insulting.
I am telling my age by saying this, but in the sixties and seventies Park West (Canyon’s) Alta, Solitude and I’m sure others, paid there patrolmen by letting them ski free when not on duty time. There were no complaints and plenty of good skiers waiting in line to be a patrolman, elite status plus a real cool jacket seemed to be okay back then.
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